Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 1: the unemployment files

Well Friday was my last day at work. I was so excited about getting to stay home with Kaia today. Last night, I wrote out her schedule for the day along with a couple things I needed to get done so I wouldn't lose track and just hang out in PJs all day. It's been wondrous! Right now, she is napping in her crib. Right on schedule. :)

Funny thing about the crib. She is a year old and has maybe napped in it three times. I told her for her first birthday she was getting a new room! And her very own bed! We love having her in the room or in the bed with us but we are both tired...our restless little sleeper keeps us awake way too much so it's time to move on.

So, goal for week 1 of the unemployment files: all naps must take place in the crib. Not in mommy's lap or in the pack & play or with Mommy in bed.

We'll see how it goes...

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