Thursday, February 5, 2009

Alright Already. 25 Things.

I've been tagged so many times, I guess it's time to suck up and think.

1. I was a writer/editor for the TV Guide Channel and credit that job to my eventual "growing up" of sorts. I started working out, quit smoking and decided to go to college while I worked there.
2. I used to drop classes that required oral presentations. Now I live to do them.
3. I would love to be one of those cycling instructors who goes around all the conferences and workshops teaching people how to be a good instructor. I plan to look into this in my very near future...
4. I have a lot of acquaintances that I adore but very few confidantes. I guess that's the way it should be though.
5. I hate talking on the phone. Yes, most of you know this about me already but it deserves being put on this list.
6. I am embarrassed to admit this but I STILL cannot figure out how to watch a goddamn movie the way Cory has our stuff set up. So complicated. Playstation? Xbox? Fuck all, give me a DVD player and the remote.
7. I used to write poetry, pretty good too I think, but have not been depressed enough to do it lately. This is both a good and bad thing.
8. I plan to go to OU to get a master's degree in public health. I looked into it several years ago but did not want to commute. Once we move, I'll start classes.
9. I hope to learn three things before I'm too old to enjoy them: photography, pottery and a foreign language.
10. I could totally binge on cereal. It's like candy to me. Even the healthy variety.
11. If I had three wishes, one would be for me and all my friends and family (you guys!) to live up to our potential.
12. I really, really wish I believed in god and religion.
13. If anyone hurt Kaia (not the broke her heart variety but really hurt her) I am pretty sure I would be able to summon enough anger to kill him/her with my bare hands, consequences be damned.
14. I really think our mistakes and failures help make us who we are.
15. I hope to goodness we don't pass along our body images issues to Kaia.
16. I could sit on the couch with sports on all day and not know a single score. I just like the sound of it. I think that's weird.
17. I think at some point, I will get my teaching certificate.
18. When I was pregnant, I was so scared I wouldn"t love my child when she was born
19. I love her so much, I can't even describe it. I think you all know this.
20. This has taken me several days to complete. Thanks to everyone who made me do it. 8\
21. I wish I would have taken high school more seriously.
22. I did have a lot of damn fun though. :)
23. I love my mom a lot, she is a lot of fun to be around, but I've never been able to talk to her about anything serious. Since having Kaia though, I can sometimes ask her questions and sometimes, she'll surprise me.
24. I want a new car so damn bad I can't stand it. But I will keep driving the green civic until it craps out because I SO DESPERATELY WANT OUT OF DEBT. And we are so close!
25. I got the health department job!!!


Carrie said...

Oh Wow! Congratulations. You deserve it!

Andia said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!! So Edmond will be your new address?

greenGuru said...

Congrats!!! That's so friggin' awesome!

morning miles said...

Yea! I assume that you are headed to OKC! And this just proves how awesome you are- I mean you were out of work for what, three whole days? In a recession?

I hate talking on the phone too. Hate it.

cyclefreaks said...

Actually, I got it the very last day of work, so really I wasn't unemployed at all!! :) I just haven't received the "formal" offer so I didn't want to post anything lest I jinx myself, but it seemed like a really cool way to end the list. I should know more details soon and will post those when I know. I asked for 3 weeks off between jobs.

Okjerm said...

That was a lot of reading to find out you got the job.

hwall said...

Congratulations! I headed straight to the comments after the "after we move " line you slipped into number 6 or something, but after seeing the rest of the comments, I went to read back to the end to see what job you got. Must be a relief. Glad you'll get some time off before starting the new job. You should use that time to come to Tulsa and visit. Seriously. I mean it.

By the way, I fucking hate Blogger. I had to write this twice because Blogger is retarded.

Candice said...

I totally understand on the cereal thing. Its like crack.

I made sure I knew how to watch movies or turn on the tv. It was a rule for Mark to get the super nerd remote.

Do you know details about the new job yet?

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

FANTASTIC!!! I hope you LOVE it!
I like how you nonchalantly threw that in at the end of your list...kinda like you were tryin to see who Really reads those silly things! ;)

jckeeton said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Let me know if we can help you with any moving or house hunting.