Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I know I'm getting older - not because of the time it now takes me to jog a mile though that pounds the message home quite well - but because I've found myself saying two things at two different times today: "boys' hair these days, it looks awful" and "what is this world coming to."

The hair: It's no big deal, but have you guys SEEN the style they are sportin' these days? It's crap! Long, shaggy crap with a part that makes it look like they're aiming for a combover without the male baldness. Gross.

The world: Aside from the economy and global warming, every time I click on my news site of choice, I read the headlines of another wackjob killing their kid or leaving a newborn alone with a dog or the latest, letting a toddler play with an 18 ft. python. Just today, some crackhead threw her newborn, umbilical cord still attached, into Lake Ponchartrain. Then, we have the unemployed, unwed mother of octoplets. When and where did ethics go? Doesn't anyone care about anything anymore?

What about kids who are killed after DHS returns them to their "biological" parents, knowing the risk is there that it will happen again?

I heard this morning on the radio about a reality show about a 28-year-old who is entering rehab because she is addicted to plastic surgery. She's had something like 13 boob jobs. How does a person get that messed up and not get any real help?

I just can't stand it.


Carrie said...

Are we the same person? Totally agree, 100%

morning miles said...

Toddlers and pythons. Hello????

jckeeton said...

No joke.

Candice said...

That bitch should have ALL her kids taken away from her. No one parent can parent that many babies and do a good job. She makes me so mad I won't even talk about it with Mark.

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Are we the only sane people in this world? ;)