Friday, November 21, 2008

What She's Been Doing

The past week to two weeks has been amazing for Kaia. She has grown SO much in that short amount of time. I swear, I bet she grew an inch and gained 2 pounds!

She is eating really well right now, I hope I don't jinx us by talking about it here. She seems to love her Yo Baby yogurt (Diane and Holly are beaming with pride right now because it's organic) and she also is doing pretty well with a stage 2 concoction called chicken and apples. She'll take a few bites of it at least, which is an improvement over most things. Tonight at Texas Roadhouse, she took a little bite of my roll whereas before she would have had nothing to do with it. Granted, she gummed it around and spit it back out, but trust me, the taking of a bite is huge.

She also likes to drink out of big people's cups. She doesn't really get the whole sippy cup thing but if you hold your cup to her mouth she will drink and it is SO damn cute... I don't really know how to explain what she does but it's adorable. I think she thinks she still needs to suck even though there's no nipple or something... she kind of opens and closes her mouth at the rim of the cup. Anyway, too cute.

She is really starting to fall into a better routine at night too...instead of us fighting her for an hour to get to sleep, she really starts to get sleepy around the same time every night. Still not as early as I'd like but we're getting there.

Tonight, our waitress was in love with her. She kept talking about how precious she was and how great her smile is... when she went to take the bill to the computer, she asked if Kaia could come with her. I thought Cory was going to have a heart attack but like a big boy he let her (the register was right behind our table so we could see her and she could see us the whole time). She is mesmerized by computers. It's so neat when someone says hi to her and she smiles real big at them... it makes the person feel so good when she does it, we can't help but beam with pride. I know at some point she will hit a shy stage and back away from strangers but it's awesome that she reaches out for her aunts and her "friends" at school.

Oh yeah, and she's crawling everywhere. She's not that good at it yet but man, she is fast. A couple times Cory has gone to check on her in bed and when she sees him she takes off after him. She loves him so much, it's so sweet to see the way she looks up at him. :)

She was playing in the floor last night, and we love to just sit and watch her. She concentrates so hard on things. She has a wooden puzzle (an airplane, uncle mark) and she had one piece stuck under the puzzle board itself, so she muscled it off so she could reach the piece underneath. Just seeing her little brain figure out things like that is amazing to us.

Still no teefies but that's ok, I love her toothless grin and I'll take it as long as I can get it. :)

Friday Morning

My teddy bear coat

My daddy loves me. He's the best.

Hey, I have feet! With daisies on them!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better than a kick in the crotch

Well, I'm safe through the end of January, and I will get 5 weeks severance. In the meantime, they are keeping their eyes open for something for me. Ideally, I could just stay with SMC for a little longer, until Cory or I find something fabulous in another state, but if not, I think this will give me enough time to either a)find something that I don't hate as a band-aid or b) stay home with Kaia for awhile and draw unemployment.

Either way, I feel more hopeful today than I have in the past six weeks of wondering. Something great will come up, I feel it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

About Right

Well, 2008 has been the best and worst year to date. Kaia was born, we accrued $18,000 in medical debt and I am losing my job. The two bad things are related to my employment with SMC. Hmmm... maybe getting outta there is a good thing.

More details tomorrow but most likely I will have a job until the end of the year but not beyond. I'm going to try to push for January instead but we'll see. I'm meeting with my boss and the HR guy so he can answer questions about insurance, unemployment, etc. I am doubting there will be any severance but I can always hope.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Naptime with Daddy is the best

Monday, November 10, 2008

Carrie Made Me Do It

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? I've been betrayed, it didn't bode well for the betrayer. Worked out for me though, cuz it helped me weed out the losers.

2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be? Wow, I would have an entirely different answer a year ago, but now, my dream is that I do not screw up my daughter's life

3. Whose butt would you like to kick? Oh please. Next.

4. Why do you blog? Because I'm so anti-social these days no one would know what is going on in my head without it! And comments. :)

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend? I already did.

6. Which is more blessed: loving someone or being loved by someone? I'd say loving yourself is the biggest and hardest one of all.

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you love? I'm too old for this question.

8. If the person you secretly like is attached, what will you do? Ditto.

9. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be? child abuse prevention

10. What takes you down the fastest? lack of sleep, lack of food.

11. What resurrects you the fastest? Cory can bring me out of the depths of anywhere in record time. And also queso.

12. What’s your fear? being a bad mom

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? I don't know her very well but I like her enough to fill one of these things out so that's more than most people get ;) LOL

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor? Hmmm... rich, single and happy about being single would be pretty incredible, but most single people just want to be attached so I think married and poor is the best bet. I do hate poor though. It causes me stresses. :(

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Look over at Kaia and smile!

16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously who will you pick? The right one. There is always the right one. (This has never happened to me but I like Carrie's answer)

17. Would you give all in a relationship? I try to

18. Would you forgive and forget someone no matter how horrible a thing he has done? Yes, I think so

19. Do you prefer being single or in a relationship? I like being married. It feels like home.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bath Time

One for the Wall

I love this picture. My two favorite people ready for game day. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

good god almighty

I've never been so sick. I've been more sick in a brief period of time, but never this bad for this long. I haven't eaten "for real" since Wednesday night. I've had a half cup applesauce here and there, some pasta, Cory made me some brown rice and went today and got me a bagel. That's not a lot of food for almost a week. Esp. for those of you who know how I likes me some food!

Anyway, as it turns out, I have developed an abundance of bad bacteria called c difficile. Remember that ear infection I had a couple weekends ago? Well, they put me on an antibiotic and apparently, I had this as a reaction to it. My gut is fucked UP, people. I can't eat anything right now without it coming out the other end immediately. I've lost almost 10 pounds. That isn't a good thing, cuz it's 10 pounds of water and muscle shooting out the a-hole. (lol, I'm so graphic. Sorry for that visual).

Luckily, Kaia is doing great. I bet she gained a pound over the weekend, she ate so much. YAY! She even ate some applesauce on top of all that formula. We are excited. :) If we can keep her well for at least a stretch of a couple weeks, I think she can really put on a few pounds. That would make for a nice Christmas. :)