Wednesday, November 19, 2008

About Right

Well, 2008 has been the best and worst year to date. Kaia was born, we accrued $18,000 in medical debt and I am losing my job. The two bad things are related to my employment with SMC. Hmmm... maybe getting outta there is a good thing.

More details tomorrow but most likely I will have a job until the end of the year but not beyond. I'm going to try to push for January instead but we'll see. I'm meeting with my boss and the HR guy so he can answer questions about insurance, unemployment, etc. I am doubting there will be any severance but I can always hope.


dianie said...

Saying that this sucks doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what you are experiencing and will probably continue to experience for the next little while. But, I have enduring confidence that you WILL find the job you have always hoped for and deserve. You are talented, smart and committed to your work. So.....fuck 'em!

Love yas

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Couldn't have said it any better!! Until that job comes along Kaia is fortunate to have her mommy with her!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that. Man, what a year of contrasts. Let us know if we can do anything.

Candice said...

Say the word and we will empty two rooms in our house for you guys.

hwall said...

Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I will begin now searching the classifieds for hospital jobs in Tulsa. And anything else I can find.

Maybe you should send me your resume... I'm not even totally sure what your background is.

Anyway, good luck and please, please let me know if you need anything. And I really will be looking.