Monday, December 1, 2008

My First Thanksgiving

I was great in the car. But I don't want to do that again anytime soon.
I read stories with my cousins!

I tasted tortilla chips!

I clapped!
I swinged!
I rode in a little blue wagon!
I learned I can crawl really fast on carpet!
I did higher math!

I wore myself out.

I got to see Uncle Greg & Aunt Kathie, my cousins Matthew, Stephen and Ben, Aunt Paula, Grandma Jane, Grandma Cathy & Grampa Ward and Uncle Mark. It was a full weekend!


Candice said...

Thats awesome! Thanks for sharing. I am still super bummed I was at work and missed you guys. We'll have to send you the picture of her and Mario meeting.

cyclefreaks said...

by the way, i hate blogger and trying to post pictures. does anyone else have this problem??

hwall said...

Poor uncles. They never get a break. Not that they deserve one. My brother's name is Stephen, which is kind of where Uncle Stinky came from. That, and he kind of does stink. :)

And yeah, posting pictures on Blogger sucks!! I figured out today, though, that when you publish the photo and it posts it at the top of the blog, no matter what, you can just cut it and paste it where you want. I've given up on getting photos and text right next to each other. It's impossible to do that and maintain even a smidge of sanity. I just write below the pic.

Wow, long comment.

Candice said...

I always have trouble when I post pictures too, lol, I thought it was just me.

Carrie said...

Pictures suck here but it is mostly because I have no patience.

She is growing like a weed.

Toshya said...

"I did higher math" :) So cute!