Monday, December 15, 2008


so far, I have possibilities in OKC, Denver and here. I haven't heard anything "real" from anyone, but was told to "expect a call soon" for one in Denver, I met some people in OKC at a conference last week for jobs there and at the same conference heard the health department here is trying to un-freeze a position so they can hire me. things are looking up on the job front. I am hoping I get multiple offers and have to pick the best one. Can you imagine that scenario? it sure would be nice. I am not holding my breath, but I do feel hopeful.

Kaia is doing great. She still has a worrisome cough but is not phased by it. She's cruising around now, according to Cory (I haven't seen it!) cautiously making her way along the "fence" generously supplied by the Bloyds. We can actually sit and relax in our living room now instead of chasing her all around, telling her not to get into this or that. She still doesn't eat worth a crap but... at least she drinks her milk. I forgot to mention in my last post that she finally hit 15 pounds! woohoo! She wears somewhere in between 6 and 9 month clothing. We have some 9 month PJs and they still swallow her but the 3 to 6 month stuff is finally too small. Still size 2 diapers though. I think she'll be in them forever. (by the way... we don't like swaddlers anymore, for you aunties who buy diapers).
I'm not ready for Christmas. Haven't shopped. Haven't cleaned. Haven't thought about what to fix for the par-tay. And by the way, if you are reading this, you are invited. Don't wait for us to send a card or something because we're not that organized. :)
My throat hurts. Boo.


Anonymous said...

I will keep hanging on to Rachel's outgrown stuff but Kaia may be 5 before she can wear it!

All you have to get Kaia for Christmas is a big box. Just wrap it. She's have hours of fun getting in the box, out of the box, loading the box, scooting the box, etc.

All I do is follow my toddler around saying no. Walking seems so great...

Lauren didn't walk until she was almost 14 months old- and she was born over a week late. Sounds like your little girl is pretty strong to me.

BTW- love the pics. She looks so much like both of you.

Do they not make the cruisers in a size 2? Yeah, the swaddlers aren't so great when they are in constant motion but the cruisers rock.

jckeeton said...

Seems like all I do is follow Andrew around saying no, also. Walking is great, but he sure can get into more stuff. I'd love to see you in OKC, just for my own benefit. :)

Andia said...

We would like to see you in Tulsa for our benefit but we really want you to stay in Oklahoma. Denver is just too cold!
She is such a beautiful baby! I can't wait for her to open the gift Jeremy and I got for her.
Can't wait to see you guys!

hwall said...

She looks so grown up! You now, Isaac is only about 18 pounds. Weird since he weighed almost that when he was born. What he lacks in weight, though, he makes up in length. He's freakishly tall.

Okjerm said...

You'll get the job in Stillwater becuase, as we've learned, you guys will never escape Stillwater.

She doesn't already have a Salad Shooter, does she?

Candice said...

Does this mean McKinney is out?

I love the new pics, keep 'em coming!

As one of the Aunt's, what kind of diapers do you like now?

cyclefreaks said...

McKinney is not out, I just haven't heard anything from anyone yet, which also means I haven't received any rejections so... you never know. If Raytheon would hire my husband...

We still like Pampers the best just not swaddlers. The ones I have now are Pampers Baby Dry size 2. She'll fit those for awhile. Melissa said cruisers are good, I haven't tried those yet. Swaddlers just give her a rash every time.

Candice said...

Keep me posted on the job front and the diaper front, lol.
I can hardly stand to wait to see her.
I would totally give up ever winning the lottery if that meant you guys moved here and I got to see her all the time.

Anonymous said...

The Crusiers have somewhat elastic closures (I know that sounds weird...). Loved them when she crawled. I don't know why but both of our girls were pampers girls as well. Hate those Huggies-

Love the crouching pic best. Ah, mobility...

Mark said...

She's looking great!! Christmas dinner is going to be AMAZING this year.

cyclefreaks said...

you should see her chase a ball around the room, it is so cute!

Mark you are too much. Quit trying to eat my baby.