Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nobody Tagged Me, I Stole It

8 TV shows I watch:

1. Survivor
2. Sarah Connor Chronicles
3. What Not to Wear
4. Lost (when it's back)
5. Um... Cory? Help me here. What do we DVR?!?

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. El tapatio
2. On the Border
3. Blue Heaven, Key West, FL
4. Los Cabos!
This is sad. I can't come up with 8 that I like enough to be on a list, yet we eat out all the time. Also, am I from Mexico? is that all i eat? good grief!! and I wonder why I can't lose the baby weight...

8 things that happened today:
1. I went to work and did nothing. Just like the past month.
2. I drove a dirty crockpot to my sister's so I could use the garbage disposal.
3. I took Kaia to daycare, then stopped at Sheperd's for a sodie.
4. I surfed.
5. I panicked about being unemployed.
6. I hugged my daughter.
7. I went out to dinner with my Mom, hubby, Kaia and sister.
8. I went to Pier 1 when I was supposed to be at work. See #1.

8 things I look forward to:
1. The new year
2. Watching Kaia play with Christmas wrapping
3. Dinner with friends
4. Christmas Eve with my family
5. Christmas morning with my family
6. Getting a new job
7. Getting a new house
8. Cory someday liking his job.

8 things I wish for:
1. I wish girls wouldn't go through the "loser phase" of dating
2. I wish for Kaia to be happy and healthy
3. I wish for Cory to someday like his job. :D See #8 above.
4. I wish I could find a kick-ass job in a really cool place. Preferably in 2009.
5. I wish for all my friends and family to find happiness.
6. I wish Fletcher would stop his incessant whining.
7. I wish for us long and healthy lives, not long and riddled with disease in old age. I want to die fast when my time comes.
8. Would wishing for a million dollars be too cliche and shallow? Oh well, who cares, I wish for it anyway.


Carrie said...

El tapitio???

cyclefreaks said...

It's our crappy little mexican place in town... across from our house actually. They have this killer white queso...

Okjerm said...

No love for Battlestar Galatica? Jan. 16 should have a big red circle around it on your calendar.

cyclefreaks said...

Jerm, do you know we never even got around to watching the season finale?!? I was going to put it down anyway but it felt like hypocrisy! I don't even know what happened when they got to earth. For shame!

Okjerm said...

Nobody know what happened. That's where the half season ended.

Anonymous said...

David is so hooked to Battlestar. He dvr-ed (action verb in past tense?) a whole bunch and we did marathon viewing. He talked about buying it on dvd but is not getting that for Christmas (from me, at least).

Do you watch Mad Men?

We spotted Starbuck in a cheesy movie on Lifetime or the love channel the other day. Broke our hearts.

btw- we only eat at about 4 restaurants as well. Sad.

jckeeton said...

We like Mad Men also.

Skept said...

I keep hearing Mad Men is awesome, but we honestly have trouble just watching the few shows we watch, and we never get to watch them on time.
it's always after we get kaia in bed.
DVRs... how'd we live without them.