Thursday, September 13, 2007


All you moms and moms-to-be who are lurking... please tell me the point of a nursing stool? I am so confused.


Anonymous said...

The footstool that came wiith our glider has a built in nursing stool and I've never found it to be all that helpful for positioning.


Candice said...

A what? You can so tell I haven't had a kid yet.

Angie said...

Prop your feet while you're nursing. Something about posture. Trust me, it's useless. When you're trying to get the hang of nursing, posture is one of the last things on your mind. Nursing pillows, now, are a different story. GET A BOPPY. I'm not kidding. They're priceless. Kid never outgrows it, either - my 4 year old still drags a beat-to-hell Boppy out to lay on when he's watching Disney movies.

PS - any other nursing questions, I'm glad to answer. I nursed 5 kids - two of them to age 2. :)

Carrie said...

A what?

Anonymous said...

What's a nursing stool?????

Andi in Raleigh, NC

Paula sent me your blog! Too funny!