Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Reminder for ME

You are now 18 weeks pregnant! WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH YOU

Weight gain and mood swings and cravings, oh my! Your body is going through a lot of changes right now -- so many that you may feel you can't keep track. Your best bet: Eat right, exercise when you can, and give yourself plenty of down time. If you treat your body well, your emotions should remain at bay. If all else fails, there's always chocolate.


Candice said...

I heard you can see the baby belly now!!

Skept said...

Yup! Ain't too big, but you can see it. :D

Carrie said...

Is it sick or weird that I have your date that you find out the sex on my calendar? lol

cyclefreaks said...

LOL, it's not sick. My high school students want me to send them a text when I find out. Everyone gets excited about babies!