Saturday, September 1, 2007

Pregnancy Truths As I See Them

1) You don't eat for two. Anyone who says they have to eat for two is using it as an excuse to pig out. I didn't know this before I was pregnant. Only 100 extra calories a day the first 3 months, then 300-500 after.

2) The exhaustion is not an exaggeration or an excuse to take extra naps. You're building a human in there! It takes a lot of work that you really have no control over or even are aware of at this point. Sleep is gooooood.

3) If you were very active before becoming pregnant, you can stay very active through your pregnancy. Once your energy comes back, that is.

4) People really are nicer to you when you're pregnant.

5) You have a TON of gas around weeks 8-12, even for those of us who are gassy 24-7. It's worse. You're so bloated, you look like you're showing but really, it's just gas. Nice, eh?

6) You're going to forget things. Expect to seem a bit flaky for 9 months. Your brain cells actually compress during pregnancy, though no one seems to know why.

7) Of course, the boob thing has been discussed here, but honestly, it's a thing you have to see to believe the changes. I'm going to be a D by the end of this.

8) Learn the Dos and Don'ts on your own because your doc likely won't tell you, but Dear Mrs. Smith down the hall will be certain to let you know that you can't get your hair done, sleep in any position except on your left side, drink caffeine or exercise while you're pregnant. All of course are not true. Caffeine... if you can give it up, awesome, but if you're a junkie, just cut back. Less than 300 mg per day. My doc drank caffeine while she was pregnant, that was good enough for me. Bring on the mountain dew, wahoo!

9) I've heard of women gaining 80 pounds. Good grief. No wonder you're constantly telling me that I'll "never lose all the baby fat after giving birth"... well, Bertha, if I gain 80 pounds for an 8 pound baby, you're probably right!

10) And last but not least, here's the ugliest truth of all: There are days that you might think to yourself, "oh god. what did we do?" and it's ok to think that.

So there you have it. What I've learned as I embark on month number 4. I hope I have 10 new things to report when I get to month 8. :)


Candice said...

I'm sure you get cuter everyday. : )
I hear the less you gain the better, that true?

Skept said...

You should write a book. :D

cyclefreaks said...

Ideal weight gain is 25-35 pounds, but if you start off significantly overweight, you can gain as little as 15. I'm just hoping to stay within the limits! I don't really eat much more than usual but you know, the exercise level is considerably less intense so I burn a lot less. I feel like most of my gain has been in da boobs. :D

Carrie said...

You should write a book.

"Things that the doctor doesn't tell you."

Angie said...

Around month 6 or 7, you're going to start getting really clumsy too. Dropping things for no reason, tripping on things that aren't there, spilling your drink all down the front of your shirt (maternity shirts always end up hopelessly stained by the end of your journey). Your ligaments loosen up in preparation for birth, and you turn into a klutz.

I think the brain-cell compression is due to the 40% gain in water-mass, though I'm not sure. Maybe it's hormones. Whatever, I always refer to this charming phenom as "preggo brain." It's what causes you to go into a room with a specific mission, and then stand there with a perplexed look on your face for two or three minutes, trying to remember what the hell you came in there for.

Candice said...

Shit, I do that walk into a room and forget thing already.

When is the next doctor's appointment? Inquiring minds want to know.