Monday, July 6, 2009

Worst Ever

Kaia woke up around midnight hot as hell. Her fever was about 103. She was mumbling and crying and didn't stop until... well, about 10 minutes ago. She did fall asleep from time to time, but for the most part, she was in borderline hysterical mode.

We took her to the doc, anticipating talk of tubes for her ears, assuming it still hadn't cleared up, but it was all good. In fact, she didn't know what was going on, so they took some blood :( and ran a test to see if she needed antibiotics or anything. Turned out to be some weird virus. She seems to be on the mend now.

I can't tell you what a scary 16 hours that was... I had all kinds of horror stories running through my brain.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. This parenting stuff is hard as hell.

UPDATE: She was not on the mend yesterday, I guess the motrin just gave her a reprieve. Last night was even worse than the night before. We are going back to the doctor today. Cory & I look like hell. There is something wrong with her mouth, I'm wondering if it isn't thrush, but her tongue and inside of her mouth is white and everything is swollen, including her ruby red lips. :( Cory called her Angelina Jolie this morning. So she isn't eating anything and barely drinks but at least gets enough to not be dehydrated. She's just crying and drooling non-stop.


jckeeton said...

I'm sorry, she's had such a hard time. Poor little girl. Hopefully now she's in recovery mode. Keep me posted.

Candice said...

Did they tell you the name of the virus?

Poor baby, I can only imagine that was the worst kind of hell for all three of you.

Skept said...

she's got a mouth full of fever blisters. they are all over the inside of her mouth and have spread down onto her tonsils.

cyclefreaks said...

our baby's on codeine :(

jckeeton said...


Candice said...

No wonder she wouldn't stop screaming. She was in lots of pain and couldn't tell you. Poor baby.