Friday, July 3, 2009

In Awe

Every day, I look at Kaia and am in awe of how much she has grown already. The new picture above just seems so... girl-like instead of baby-like. When did this happen? I feel like I am going to blink and miss something, like I'll wake up and she'll be in kindergarten.

Some of my favorite things she is doing now: picking up things and putting them in the trash, helping me unload the dishwasher, saying "mainmow" (rainbow) out of the blue, I guess she just likes the word... singing along with "wheels on the bus" by doing the hand motions, then when you get to "aaaalll through the town" she sings along with the ALL part. Only she gets too excited and starts it too soon. God it's cute. She also grabs onto you and squeezes and gives the best hugs in the world.

When Uncle Jay was here, she spun herself in circles until she was falling down dizzy. She loves him so much. She kept taking him books to read to her. She even ate good while he was here, especially the night we had fried fish, zucchini and Daddy's special fried taters! We found out last night that she likes peas. We had snow peas and I squeezed the peas out of the pod and she ate them like they were candy. YES! A vegetable! Starchy one but hell, it's green I'll take it.

Anyway, I know I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd give everyone the update on what she's been up to. I recharged the batteries for the little HD video camera so I should be able to get some more videos soon. She does this thing when Daddy reads her the "Where O Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" book, I've GOT to get it recorded and posted.

Peace out, have a great 4th of July!


Candice said...

Thanks, I needed that.

Mark said...

Does she have someone's underwear on her head??

cyclefreaks said...

LOL, it's not underwear Bloyd. It's a t-shirt sleeve. :)

hwall said...

She is a doll. I thought it was underwear, too, but I didn't think it was that weird. Isaac has made a habit of locating my panties and wearing them around the house on his head. The other day I found him in my room with a thong around his neck.

cyclefreaks said...

LOL that is awesome, he is starting awfully early!! At least he wasn't wearing the panties while playing with a box of tampons... :)