Monday, January 5, 2009

not starting with a bang

Some of you out there hate your jobs. Or at the minimum are bored silly at your jobs. It's painful, isn't it?

Now imagine having a job you love... a job in fact you created just for you...only to know that no one else loves it. In fact, no one else thinks your job even matters enough to exist. So you go to work to draw the paychecks for as long as you can stand it. Doing nothing. Because why bother? You can't start any projects without finishing them. So you sit. To get paid.

Meanwhile, your daughter goes to daycare while you sit. To get paid.

This month better fly by or I am going to lose my shit.


hwall said...

Can you take Kaia with you to work? That would be nice, wouldn't it? I'm sure it would help the days go by much more quickly.

I meant to ask you about her birthday. I knew it was coming up soon. The 22nd, right? Doing anything special?

cyclefreaks said...

I did a little of that when she was younger, but now... she's just too "all over the place" and has taken to random outbursts. Not angry or sad, just screams cuz she can...

My nephews are coming up because the middle one shares Kaia's birthday. Not sure yet what we will do but hope it will be fun!

Candice said...

I'm off that Friday & Saturday the weekend after. Does this mean we'll get to see the boys and Kaia? Too cool.

I'm pretty sure that has to really suck. Just keep counting the days and making plans for the future. EVERYTHING'S BIGGER IN TEXAS!!!

Carrie said...

That was my job for the last few weeks. We were not supposed to sell anything because we had our numbers. So we basically just waited out. Today sucked because it was catch up time.

jckeeton said...

That sucks. I would be bored out of my mind.

Mark said...

Just remember the phrase "What are you gonna do, fire me?" and then gut a fish on your desk and go to Chotchkie's for drinks.

cyclefreaks said...

Great idea! Then I'll get a promotion instead. :)

hwall said...

LOL, I did not even think about how you and Cory would react to his jammies! So funny! I am not a Sooner; I actually despise football and think that Sooner fans are the worst, most obnoxious football fans on the face of the planet. That said, John is a MAJOR OU fan, as are both of his parents, his brother, and everyone else he knows. We've got tons of OU clothes, and, for the most part, I try to keep Isaac out of them, but since he never wears them, they were the only clean jammies he had. Hope you guys still want to be friends! ;)

jckeeton said...

Any word on any of your prospects?

Candice said...

Edit, I didn't mean Friday and Saturday. I meant Saturday and Sunday. Sorry. Carry on.