Monday, April 7, 2008

Ups and Downs

Smiles are awesome! Cries not so much.

We had four nights in a row of pure hell. Each of those nights, between 9 and midnight, she went apeshit. I've heard of colic and knew it was bad, but thought it just meant the baby cried nonstop. Well, Kaia didn't just cry. She screamed bloody murder, it sounded like we were torturing her, and we couldn't find anything wrong. Dry diaper, full tummy... I even stripped her naked at one point, just in case the diaper tape was rubbing her wrong, or her clothes were irritating. Nothing helped. It was a horrible. I gave her to Cory Friday night and went into the fetal position and bawled in the dark.

The past two nights have been tolerable. She's kind of fussy, but nothing like before.

Family Reprieve

The Cheneys and Bloyds came up Saturday and cooked us dinner. It was awesome. I ran some errands, tried to take a nap but it didn't work. They were so disappointed in our grill that they bought us a brand new one, one we've dubbed Cory's ManGrill. It has everything. Bun warmer, rotisserie, stove... We had some friends over on Sunday just to test it out. Yeah, the ManGrill is sweet.

I go to work in one week.

Surprise, Grandma Jane!

I drove to Mom's on Friday and surprised her. She was just giddy. Kaia was a little bit fussy, but she did manage a few smiles for Grandma. Her smiles are beautiful. I hope I can catch one on camera pretty soon so you guys can see. :)


Carrie said...

She'll be better before you know. Just breathe!

Candice said...

I still love that she sang a song about you taking Kaia to see her. That's awesome!

I love the new pictures. And I feel like I held her more this trip. I still can't believe how much bigger she was. She almost doubled in size.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's been reacting to the weird weather we've been having. That sounds kooky but some babies are pretty sensitive to changes in barometric pressure.
Man, we they go high pitch it manages to sap any will out of a mom (or a dad). Rachel would scream from 7-10 pm for several weeks. I never could figure it out! Like you, I stripped her down but I looked for a hair stuck between her toes (yep, that's desperation!). It'll get better. They just go through phases. That's why they're born so cute- you get too attached to ditch them when they are being totally unreasonable!
Great pics. And I am sure Dave is jealous of the man-grill.
So where will Kaia be during the day while you work? We used a home dayvare for Lauren in Stillwater but Rachel has been in a group daycare since week 9. She loves it there. Truly loves it.
PS- I managed to hunt down Cottontails details. Seems that the owner retire. How dare he! Next time you are in Tulsa you need to go to the Children's Orchard- there is one in Owasso and one in BA. Great resale, great prices and no weird smells.

cyclefreaks said...

ha - no weird smells is very, very important. ;)

Glad to hear that one of yours did the same and outgrew it. Neither Cory nor I have really been around many babies so we don't know what is "normal," what is not, or what is just normal for a preemie. Stressful. I really appreciate your comments.

We are going to use Renaissance.

Anonymous said...

Every time she got that way Dave would make some smart ass comment about just putting her out in the garage. Our house is small- I'm sure I could have heard her. But with both of them I did spend a fair amount of time coiled in a ball, crying under the covers and wondering what I was doing wrong.

I've always heard great things about Renaissance. The first few days are the hardest- does she start your first day back to work or can Cory or someone else stay home with her for your first day or two? Rachel and I went back the same day. I sobbed and sobbed and waited till work (and several hours has passed) to even try to put on makeup.

I love the second pic btw. You can tell that she is around people she loves!


hwall said...

She is beautiful. Glad to see the whole family is doing well, even with the moments of insanity. I've been keeping up with your blog because Cory never posts pictures. I hope you guys can come to Tulsa soon. I'd love to see you again and meet little Kaia. Take care, Holly

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

I love your pacifier leash! The ones I use aren't nearly as cute! :) Glad to hear she is feeling better. Must have been the moon or something because Kaine had taken to screaming at night as well.

jckeeton said...

James has also stripped Andrew to look for hair tourniquets. On Andrew's first day at daycare I had to sit throught the hospital's stupid all-day orientation. Just torture. Have you tried Gripe Water? I don't know that it really helps the colic, but it did distract him for a little while.

cyclefreaks said...

she loves gripe water!! it gets rid of her hiccups every time.

Anonymous said...

Ok, what is "gripe water?" Clearly I should have been clued in by someone!
I am a bit jealous of her paci. Neither of my girls would use one. And I tried to get them to. Really.
I usually come to Stillwater about once a month-ish for some volunteer work. I'll have to coordinate a drop by sometime. I'm betting that when you are in Tulsa your list of people to see is so long that it would take a two week visit!
So has she moved from preemie diapers to size 1's or is she in newborn diapers?

Anonymous said...

ALex have HORRIBLE Colic, last about 6 months. I had to really watch my diet and cut out all artificial sweetners (they are a stimulant)and milk and cheese. My doctor also suggest something absurd, but it worked....dum dums..yep, the little suckers. We have many pictures with Alex and differnt color lips. It works the same as sugar water and it got us through some pretty rough days. We also used gas drops pretty regularly. You will be glad to know that Alex is now a super happy kiddo, who rarely cries and he rarely gets sugary treats now. Hang in there, it really does get better.

NiNi said...

Awwww, the pacifier chain we got her looks SOOOOO cute on her! :D Her smile IS beautiful... LOVE the photo of Cory and Kaia.