Saturday, April 26, 2008

9 lbs. 9 oz

It's hard to believe Kaia has been here for 3 months. In some ways, it seems like forever ago we were driving to see her in NICU and in others, seems like just last week.

I haven't been updating as much for obvious reasons. Funny how that whole work thing gets in the way. But she is doing great. Her upper body is getting much stronger, she can hold her head up for small periods of time and continues to smile big when we make funny faces at her. And sometimes when we're just around. We were at El Tapatio for Diane's 30th and she stared at me, grinning from ear to ear the whole time. It was awesome.

She has been sleeping great...sometimes as many as 8 hours at night. We are loving that! Though I think Cory will agree with me that we are both still completely exhausted, sleeping through the night or not. We attribute her good sleep to the fact that we have given up on her sleeping anywhere but right smack in the middle of us. Yep. We caved. We have the family bed now. We are hoping to just do it for a little bit longer but I must confess, I love having her right next to me.

My back, neck, hip are all effed up, so every morning when I get up it's painful. Not sure what is going on there but since I have so many medical bills to pay anyway, I might as well go get some therapy!

Giving up dairy seems to be helping with her tummy issues but guess what I just had to do last night? Make a creamy Oreo pie. It's to die for, people. Trust me on this one. I hope my big slip doesn't punish her later.

I had to work Tuesday night and Saturday morning this week. Talk about suckage. The only thing worse than being back at work is doing extra work than usual. :( I've got to get my shit together though. I didn't make it in before 10:00 one day this past week. I can't keep doing that and expect to get away with it...

Oh, I was pumping the other day, just happened to ask Cory to rub my back (see above post about being effed up!) and he found a tick! Sucker might as well have built a condo, he was so settled in. Now my back is red as fire where it was, going to have to get it checked, I'm afraid. (No, we didn't save the tick but yes, we think we got the head and have been doctoring me with neosporin). Creepy.

Diane is still taking care of her during the day - YAY! No daycare, which means she hasn't been sick at all. :) I'll take that for as long as I can get it.


Carrie said...

She is amazing! I have always frowned on having the baby in the bed but I think I would be the same way. Easy to say when they aren't your own. LOL

Skept said...

Whatever it takes to get me 6+ hours of continuous sleep.

jckeeton said...

I have trouble sleeping with just my husband in the bed. I can't imagine having the little one too. But, if it works for you, get your sleep however you can.

Any luck with appealing your claims with Waterstone?

Candice said...

Sleep is sleep, who cares where it is.

She is the cutest thing ever.

Ticks creep me the f out! Worse then spiders.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the tick is tied to the pain? Makes my skin creep to think of it.
Rachel was 9.9 at birth. Really. Imagine having a baby that big emerge from your body.
Nothing wrong with sneaking in late- especially with extra hours!

She is just so darn cute.

Anonymous said...

PS I know plenty of terrific parents/kids who did the family bed thing. We didn't do it but we also didn't have a preemie. I think where the baby sleeps has very little bearing on how she will turn out (unless she's still in your bed when she is 16... that's a case for major therapy).

Anonymous said...

The Force is strong with this one . . . the top picture looks like she's attempting the move that pink thing (mobile?) with her mind.

Angie said...

Co-sleeping really is something that brings so much enjoyment to so many people. I still share a bed with my 5-year old and 2-1/2 year old, and although Tommy (the 5-yo) has his own bed and will sleep in it, the days I wake up next to them both are just so much brighter, it seems.

Unless one of them kicks me in the head during the night.