Friday, July 20, 2007

Sleep Deprivation

You know, I am well aware that there will be a chronic lack of sleep once the baby comes, but I had no idea that I would be short on sleep before the little bugger ever shows up and makes a peep.

I've really been struggling with fatigue the past couple weeks, most notably this week, and I kind of expected that. But what I didn't expect was that it wasn't just fatigue from all the stuff going on, it's from actual insomnia. I am having real trouble getting quality sleep and it's killing me.

My boss told me to look online for suggestions on what I can take or do, so I just googled it. Who knew, 78% of women report lack of sleep during pregnancy more than any other time. First and third trimesters are the worst. And just to fill your heads with a little knowledge, here's why the first trimester sucks:

Frequent urination: This is because your body produces 30% to 50% more blood while you are pregnant, and your kidneys need to work harder to filter the additional volume. Also, as your baby grows, there is increased pressure on your bladder, causing you to need to go more frequently.

Napping: While progesterone makes you sleepy, it can also disrupt your sleep, leaving you feeling more fatigued during the day. So, indulge your busy body and take catnaps whenever you feel the need.

Getting comfortable: Always been a stomach sleeper? Tender breasts during your first trimester may make you reconsider. If possible, try learning to sleep on your left side. This allows maximum blood flow to the fetus, improves kidney flow, helps reduce swelling, and reduces the amount of pressure on your liver. Another reason to avoid sleeping on your stomach is to avoid putting pressure on the fetus.

It's time to spend some money on some quality pillows. And go maternity shopping, because tight clothes are making me crazy. I don't like clothes touching me much when I'm a size 6, much less double that.

Consider today a Bad Day! Hmmpf!


Angie said...

Invest in a body pillow. I don't think I could have gotten through any of my pregnancies without one. Laying on your left side is always what they say is best, but I for one could never stay in one position all night long.

And, try herb tea: mint for nausea, chamomile for sleep, red raspberry for a healthy placenta and iron levels. (I combined all three in the 3rd trimester, and drank it iced. Yummy!)

greenGuru said...

Good grief--what a pain. I'm going to skip the process and just order my kid online somewhere... ;)

Candice said...

Lots of massages from the husband will also help you sleep. At least it sounds good to me. : )

Right Green, you can do your part and adopt and we can all have kiddos running around.

Carol Ann said...

My doctor said it was ok to take tylenol PM or just plain diphenhydramine. I did it a couple of times but it also makes the baby sleep (doesn't hurt them) and you feel less movement which freaks me out. You probably can't feel it yet so it wouldn't be as bad. I also tried greentea. I had the same problems in the first trimester but it is 10x worse in the third trimester. Body pillows work somewhat but I found the most comfortable position is sitting up (in a recliner) if possible. Eventually your hips will be the main problem... Wish I could say it got better!