Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Connection

Two nights ago, I had my first dream about the baby. Friends have told me that they believe it is my maternal instinct kicking in, my way of connecting to the little growing person inside of me.

In the dream, I’m in labor. I can hear people telling me to push, but in the dream, I’m inside the womb with my baby. I remember cradling her head in the crook of my arm, soothing her and telling her that this part was going to be a little rough... I basically pushed her out with my elbow (ouch, vagina!) and once she was out, I was back “in my body” and wasn’t with her anymore.

The next thing I know, we are home and I am trying to figure out the whole breast feeding thing. It’s not working for us. I keep trying to get her to latch on but it’s just not happening and we are both getting frustrated. I’m not sure what happened after that, but I remember yelling at Cory to stop ignoring her. She was 1 day old and he kept setting her on the couch and then going off to do something else. Probably play halo. ;)

I’m not sure what else happened, that’s all I really remember, but I do recall there being another couple there who had their daughter at the same time we did. They kept trying to take ours instead. And yes, the girl had a name. But the name I called her in the dream is the name I hope to give her so I can’t tell you until she is born.

This is so exciting. :)


Candice said...


T said...

I got it all figured out so I could comment as I stalk you throughout your pregnancy... reclaimed my old blogger account and whatnot and it appears you now allow anonymous comments :P

Oh well, I needed a non-myspace blog where I can say what I really want to say without worrying about who reads it. I got lots of bitching to do!

Anyway... excited for you. Keep keeping us posted!


cyclefreaks said...

Well, I never knew I had control over the anonymous thing until you mentioned it... it just took me awhile to get around to it. :) You can stalk me as anonymous if you like. :)