Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My name is Stephanie, and I'm sick of driving 70 minutes to work every day. Can someone please just come get my house sold, and find me one to move into while you're at it?



dianie said...

Is it on the market?? How much you asking? That is definitely the suck.

Candice said...

Um, you could get a leasing company to rent it out while you move in with us and look for jobs you will be super happy in here in Texas. : )
Sorry, I know that's not the answer you want to hear but I don't think I will ever give up on you guys moving here. How else are our kids supposed to grow up together?

Okjerm said...

It's been a while since Candice rang that bell.

I'd be going loco after a week of that drive. I start to flip out when my commute lasts longer than the normal 10 minutes.

Carrie said...

Holy crap!

greenGuru said...

I can make you a deal on a cute little 3 bedroom... said...

My guess is that when you find a house you love, you'll put yours on the market and hopefully the timing will work out quick! Aren't you driving more like, 140 miles? I don't know, but sheesh, it would be wearing on me by now. (It is true if it doesn't sell, you can rent it out at a higher rent $$ to try and attract more responsible students...).

Skept said...

Can't rent it out, kids, unless we plan on renting ourselves. Our down payment depends entirely upon selling the current house.

dianie said...

Ech hem. You gonna post about your ride or what??? Content, please. :p