Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Battle of Wills, Part 1 of 12,253

So Kaia is over the flu, she's feeling fine and back to her ornery self. This kid is so stubborn... those of you who have known Cory for a long time will understand what I am dealing with here! For example, we are trying to get her to stop throwing things onto the floor. She understands us and can follow instructions... when she decides to. So she threw her juice bottle on the floor and I told her to pick it up. Repeatedly. She not only wouldn't pick it up, when I mentioned the juice bottle, she would look at it, then walk as far away as possible from it. I sat her down next to it and said, "Kaia, hand Mommy the juice bottle." Nothing. I don't know how long I waited for her to finally give it to me, but the little turd was not going to get away with leaving it on the floor. I saw it as a sign of things to come if I didn't stick with it and make her give it to me.

This is going to be soooo hard.


Candice said...

She would have realized she only had to give you things when she wanted to.

dianie said...

Like I said, I'm comin' over in ten years with my popcorn. This is gonna be great!

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

I'm with D...bring on the popcorn! ;)

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Can't wait to see you guys in a couple days!!!! I can hardly contain myself!!! ;D