Friday, March 28, 2008

Sleeping Babies

It's really no wonder that I don't have any energy around here...

Yup, that's Ripley, curled up on the Boppy. Nothing is sacred.
Fletcher has taken over my sister's butterfly chair. There is no telling the kind of fit he will throw when that chair finally makes its way back to her place. The funny thing is, it rocks, so the fact that Mr. Chickenshit is brave enough to put up with the wobbles each time is a testament to how much he loves it.

Baby girl is growing like a weed. She gets more beautiful every day! We see her pediatrician on Tuesday for ... shots. The first immunization visit. I can't wait to see how much she weighs. :)


Angie said...

Remember to give her a tiny bit of Tylenol at least an hour before her shots. It'll help with the discomfort. (At under 8 pounds, you'd want to keep the dose around 0.4 ml, the lowest line on the infant dropper.)

I usually delay immunizations for my kids until after they are a year old, but that's totally a personal choice! :)

Okjerm said...

Angie is basically calling you out as a bad parent, Sneff.




I keed! I keed!

...but seriously fight.

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Love the pic of her on your chest!! SO CUTE!

Candice said...

Jerm, STFU!

I love the new pics! She looks so cute cuddled up asleep on you.

Be brave little honk, you can do it. The pain will be over before you know it and it will probably be harder on your mom and dad then you.

Carrie said...

I swear girl, you are going to make me pregnant. Okay so you aren't but you are not helping the situation.

Anonymous said...

The shots are so much worse for the parents than for the kids. Really. Lauren was always shocked that it had happened whereas it really pissed off Rachel. I always prefer them to do as many shots as possible at once.
I usually give the Tylenol in the waiting room. If you google tylenol or motrin doses it will tell the dose appropriate for her weight. Rachel was/is so huge for her age that the age based dosage charts are not helpful.
And remember, mom gets to be the hero that calms the baby afterward. The baby, on the other hand, is likely to stay really pissed at the nurse for some time! Those poor nurses always feel so bad about it too!