Monday, March 10, 2008


Damn girl scout cookies are thwarting my weight loss efforts! Why oh why did I agree to let those boxes come into my house?

Was going to go to the gym today - it being Monday and all. Woke up with a huge headache and it hasn't left all day. Kaia threw up all over my robe this morning and sadly, I fell asleep wearing it anyway. Good thing she's not on formula or that would be even more gross than it already is.

Thanks for the easter basket aunt candice!


Candice said...

We didn't buy any this year. Trying to be good.
Sounds like you need a visit from a mom to let you get some sleep. Maybe the laundry fairy too.
Welcome! Hope it didn't suck. Its hard to buy easter stuff for a baby that can't even eat candy.

cyclefreaks said...

I'm getting plenty of sleep, I'm just not having any energy. Pretty sure my nutrition is lacking these days. :(

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Did you ever get a trainer for your bike? That is my only saving grace, when the girls are napping I make myself hop on at least for a little while.
Meant to tell you yesterday, I love all the pics! She is so adorable!
Also, you mentioned sometime ago about going back to is fantastic that you are staying home because I think the 5mo old that I am watching is more happy with me than her own mother. Seems like she doesn't cry all day then as soon as her mom gets home she starts wailing (not everyday but several). So stay home and bond as long as you can! :)

Skept said...

we never did get a trainer. :(

but we haven't spent as much of our reserves as we planned, so there's still hope.

jckeeton said...

I am boycotting Girl Scout cookies this year. The did away with the low fat lemon powder cookies I loved, and I'm pissed. Also on the workout front, I hardly ever get a chance except on the weekends. I'm really out of sync.

Anonymous said...

Lauren is a girl scout so our house is the cookie depot. But we haven't sorted ours yet... so that means the 5 pounds worth of binging has not began.
I had a running buddy up until Rachel was born who I met up with early in the am. After 4 years of running together she gained a bunch of weight and stopped running. Having a buddy you meet or are accountable to is a big help- I need to find someone so I'll have more of a reason to drag my lazy ass out of bed in the mornings. I have a gym buddy who keeps me accountable for pm gym days.
Yeah, you become immune to the baby spit up after a while. Sometimes I come home and realize that the toddler has smeared some substance all over my shirt or pant leg and that I walked around like that all day! I just laugh. What can you do!
Sorry to hear about the headache. We have some sort of virus here that starts off that way. Or maybe you are dehydrated? I always get really bad ones when I don't drink enough (water).

dianie said...

Hmmmm.... a gym buddy? GREAT idea!! Riding buddy is also a good thought..... ;))

cyclefreaks said...

It would be a good thought, only one riding buddy is in Connecticut and the other one is in Colorado... :)

I am HORRIBLE about drinking enough during the day. Not just enough water but enough anything. I know that has a huge effect on my breast milk too. I started keeping a glass next to the fridge and every time I go in, I have to drink. It probably is enough for 8 ounces at a time. It will really help if I stick with it...

I am hoping I can get back into running after this long hiatus. I don't know though, I hated it before, don't know why I'd enjoy it at this weight but who knows!

Anonymous said...

I think people like running when they get up over 4 miles. Those endorphins get going.
I make myself drink water all the time. I feel really gross when I don't- horrible headaches. The nursing really is dehydrating. I think the water by the bed is a good thing. I also try to take a bottle of water with me all the time.
Maybe we need some sort of exercise blog where we can all keep each other accountable...
My gym buddy is 20 years older than me- we work out much differently but go to the gym on the same days. We guilt each other when we don't go. But man, I miss my running buddy. I had an extra hour long break today (a class was on a field trip) so I went home and ran since I was too lazy to get up this morning. Got to start getting up early!
Dave's sister-in-law, who lives in Stillwater and took your spinning class for a while, is a cyclist. She has a group she rides with sometimes. I'd bet you'd be welcome to join.

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

I wish I was in OK! It's looks like it is great weather to go riding! Still freakin' cold out here!! And I don't know any routes or anyone to ride with! I was thinkin' about coming out over Easter but it would be way too rushed. Maybe Team Flip Flop will make it to HHH this year! :)
As for Trainers, my sister got a schwinn for like $90 & likes it pretty well.

Candice said...

I NEED MORE PICTURES! It's time for an update!