Saturday, February 2, 2008


So the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived... we are rooming in tonight and taking Kaia home tomorrow. We're sitting in our little room right now, Kaia is in her plastic bassinet, unhooked from monitors and sleeping soundly. I just scarfed down dinner (hospital variety) and Cory is now trying to manage to eat his without complaining.

Ever since they called this morning, I've been one big ball of anxiety. I think I managed to fall back asleep after hearing the news but I'm not sure how. I am terrified. Is she too hot? Is she too cold? Is she wheezing? Is she still breathing? Should we talk normally? Should we be quiet? The list is endless. We are ready to have her home but at the same time... how do you sleep?

I was expecting to breastfeed her tonight, but the lactation consultant can't make it until tomorrow, so 11 a.m., we're going to give it a go. It sure would be nice to get to nurse her instead of pumping all the time. There is just no reward in that! Well, there is, she's still getting the good stuff. But you know. I'm not looking to bond with an electric device.

Anyway, this time tomorrow, we'll be at home with our beautiful baby girl. Freaking out.

Wish us well, love you guys!


Andia said...

I am so excited for you guys! We can't wait until we get to meet her. A friend of mine had some advice on the "talking" thing. She said always talk normally and try to be as normal as possible that way the baby gets used to the noise and can sleep right thru it. That is what she did with her kids. I don't want you to think I am telling you how to raise her but I thought I would just pass that along. We are so happy for you guys!

jckeeton said...

I know. They should come with huge instruction books. James and I had no idea either. We had Andrew too hot and too cold and everything in between for the first week or two. We didn't know whether he was hungry, tired, uncomfortable, or just crying to cry. 3 months later, and there are times we still don't know. Its all one big experiment. And, we both still go check on him in the middle of the night if we haven't heard from him in a while. Now that you'll have her all to yourselves 24/7 you'll really be able to get to know each other. Its funny how they have such personalities and are so expressive when they are so little and new. Good luck, and let us know what you need and when you're ready for visitors.

Carrie said...

You guys will be fine. I just know it. And Andia is right, she needs to get used to the noise or you will be tip toeing around until she is 6. Remember the natural feeling of parenthood will kick in and you will just know.

Okjerm said...

I can't stop snickering at the "bonding with an electric device" line. So many jokes.

Toshya said...

Yay :) I can't wait to see the new pictures!

cyclefreaks said...

Jerm - I almost made the joke myself, but then decided my humor should wait until I'm not feeling so mushy. :)

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Can't wait to hear all about the first night home!!! You guys will be great!

Anonymous said...

You guys are already total naturals. It will so fall into place.

I never could get Lauren to latch on correctly in the hospital but as soon as we got home it was all systems go. Rachel, on the other hand, is a total pig. My pumps and I (different ones since the kids were so far apart) became good friends- I spent many, many quality hours with them. Hope Cory doesn't call you Bessie- like Dave did to me- or make fun of you when you spill "liquid gold" (that's right, he said not to cry over spilt milk- D I hope you read this and I know I still think you're a bastard over that one).

Anyways, you guys will get it figured out. And you'll be terrific.

Can't wait to read what you think of how the lactation consultant handles your girls...

-Dave's other half

Okjerm said...

............... uh........::snicker::