Sunday, December 30, 2007

Food Sucks

Yep, that's right people. Prego just said food sucks. Or maybe it should say eating sucks. Either way, the joy is gone. Yesterday at Joe's, we had some cheese fries (split 3 ways) and I had half of a BLT. I was so miserable, I felt like I'd just emptied an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. I am so squooshed on my insides... this must be how people with gastric bypass surgery feel... without the joy of a baby as the reason why.

Baby Girl has parked her little tuckus on my right side, directly under my ribs. Every once in awhile, she gives me a good push, I guess to let me know she's doing ok in there. It doesn't hurt, but it's not comfortable, either. As she gets bigger and bigger (she's going to almost triple in size over the next 8 weeks) I would imagine she will be able to pack a pretty powerful punch. It's going to get interesting. And I'm probably just going to get bitchier and complain more. Yay for Cory! :(

Christmas was great, we had a blast in Dallas with the Bloyds. It was so nice to be at someone else's house... even though I don't do much around here these days, it still always nags at me what I should be doing. At C's house, I sat on my ass without feeling any guilt. :D

We have a doc appointment this week. My doc is on vacation so it'll be someone else. A dude. Hopefully, this appt. will be like the last few. I'd hate for it to be the one week they actually make me get nekkid or something. That might freak Cory out a little bit.

The nursery is looking fabulous. We just need to assemble the crib and paint the chair rail. I'm quite pleased with the results thus far!

Hope everyone has a great NYE. I have to work and I can't drink, so please, someone out there go get crazy for me.


Candice said...

We had fun too. That yuck feeling Mark started to get the day you guys left was a cold and now he gave it to me. Thanks for sharing honey!
Just think, you might hate food right now but it's all for her and soon you will love food again.

Angie said...

I have just now gotten to the point where food no longer nauseates me. I am now at the place where I could gnaw the varnish off my desk. I just had two snack-sized bags of Ruffles and I think I could have easily polished off two more. I'm at 14 weeks as of yesterday.

cyclefreaks said...

I ate ice cream and a cheeseburger today around 3:30. Bad idea. I am so bloated... I wish I could just sit and pass gas for the next 10 minutes straight...