Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Kaia rolled over yesterday! Cory & I both missed it, of course. I laid her on her back in the pack & play and went to pump. Cory knew she was in there and got up to go check on her (something we do obsessively, by the way) and there she was, face down and mumbling. So now, we are going to obsessively worry that she's going to turn over and suffocate. Sigh.

So to the experienced moms out there, is this something we should worry about? I mean, she can lift her head up so she would just do that, right?

We bought her first school pictures last week. It was a cheesy beach summer theme, but I couldn't resist. I won't get to post those unless Cory scans them in, but at least a few of you out there will get a real, actual photo in the mail! Woohoo!

I kept trying to post the news 9 story on the Lawler benefit sale but I couldn't get it to work, so please go here and click on the video link. We're doing what we can to help, you know?

Wiggles and Giggles

This is the cutest baby store ever. Those of you who come to Stilly now and then should go in, especially if you have any new moms to buy for. That was not a hint. :)


Anonymous said...

Once my kiddos rolled over, I made sure to leave them on the floor, not the bed or anyplace elevated, once they rolled over. Lauren was a super roller, she could almost go room to room. Rachel did not like rolling- she rarely did it end over end.
I don't think she is going to suffocate- that head up business is helpful.
Oh the mobility has begun!
PS- will have to check the shop.
What size does Kaia wear? We have some baby clothes- not much because I have sworn off keeping items since there will be no more little Hambys.

Candice said...

As soon as the check clears the bank we are going to donate the money we got for Brena's adoption today to help out.

Rolling over! I have seen her since April. Some how I have to see her before the month is over. Have to!

Do they have a website so we can check it out?

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

Woohoo!! Rolling!!
Kaine rolled over while I was in Wyoming...Hil called way to early in the morning! ;) But now as soon as you lay him on the floor he starts pushing. No more play seats without straps!

I need more pics!
I think Brian and I might come down in August. Will have to see how our job situations are but keep your fingers crossed! :)