Friday, June 27, 2008

Ah, the Guilt is Neverending

So I’m going to quit pumping at 6 months. I’ve done all I can stand, and feel that I have given her as healthy a start as possible. She got to stay home with me for 3 months, then with Auntie Diane another month. Some babies at daycare are only 4 weeks old. I bet they get sick a lot in their little baby lifetime. :(

I do feel guilty about it, of course, because I feel like I am quitting for my own convenience, knowing it’s not what is best for Kaia. But I have health concerns of my own that need to be tended to, and it’s just not happening while I’m pumping 5 times a day. I gotta take care of me so I can take care of the Wee One.

I also feel guilty for not making it to Texas for the Bloyd’s birthday bash. We had a great time last year and hate missing it, but it is the way it is. We have three jobs, two dogs, a house and a new baby on less of an income than we’ve had in about three years. Three years ago, I am pretty sure gas wasn’t almost $4 a gallon. In fact, let’s look that up.

Yep, average price per gallon in 2006 was $1.50.

Neither did we used to have a $600 a month daycare bill (short months only--$750 in August) and $18,000 in medical expenses.

I guess what I’m saying is, people suck it up and like it. We are broke. Either come see us when you can, or wait until we can afford the gas. As it stands, I have approximately $25 leftover each pay period. I was the one with all the extra spending money each month; Cory pays almost all of our bills. My money is gone; therefore his spending money is gone.

We don’t love you any less; we just have to live on $400 less per month with $800 more in monthly expenses. We are not so obsessed with our baby girl that we can’t leave the house. We want to be social. We just aren’t in the financial position to do so right now.

And that’s just the way it is. :(


greenGuru said...

We don't mean to make you feel guilty--we just want to see the 3 of you.

And I've already told Cory that I'm heading up to see Kaia again as soon as all my stuff is done.

Anonymous said...

The baby and your health (which are directly related) are the most important things. I think most people realize that and will give you a pass.

As for being apart from friends, I shall redouble my efforts to send you and Cory more NSFW e-mail to fill the void. That should do the trick ;)

jckeeton said...

You have done so much more than alot of moms for Kaia. She is lucky to have you as her mommy.

jckeeton said...

You have done so much for Kaia. She is a lucky little girl to have you as her mommy.

Candice said...

If all goes well next week with Brena we might be able to come visit sooner then we hoped. We shall see. Keep your fingers crossed for her.

As long as you keep the pictures coming I will try not to bitch. : )

I applaud you for pumping this long. That is pure hell from what I hear. Kaia will be fine. She is strong like her mom and dad. Well, ok, like her mom. OOOOOHHH!

Anonymous said...

I think you are a true hero for making it this long with your circumstances and that you should applaud yourself. Screw the other people- pumping 5 times a day for over 180 days- you will so not miss it and your body is going to thank you.

Wait, does this mean Kaia has been around half a year?!? Whoa. Where does the time go? I love that even as she is growing she still looks like her little baby self!


Anonymous said...

this is more like an email then a comment but oh well-
There's this really cool website called mapmyrun ( You can create a free account and enter a starting location then determine exactly how far you are going- not only for runs but for cycling too. I've been using it for about a month and finally signed up for a free account today because it also give you a way to electronically track your workouts- and it allows you to select what activity you did- I am a bit addicted to it and thought you might want to play with it (like you have spare time lol)-
Melissa H

cyclefreaks said...

MH - Hilarious that you commented that because I had just been to a similar site for a work-related project. So spare time or not, it could end up coming in handy. :)

BTW, if you want to email me, you can. Have your hubby get it to you, he can get it from my hubby. I don't want to broadcast it publicly. :)

Anonymous said...

Will do. We'll put our errand boys (errand men? Nah...) to work.