Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daycare: The Place Where Babies Go to Get Sick

Well, for the third Friday in a row since Auntie D left, we're taking Kaia to the doctor. She still has the congestion and cough, it hasn't really gotten any better, and now we think she might have pink eye. I am hoping it's just a cold in her eye, but you can't mess around with pink eye. I had it when I was 11. It is some nasty shit, let me tell you. I actually remember how it feels for your eye to be crusted shut every morning. Gross.

Anyway, other than the never ending illnesses, we are liking our daycare pretty well. I know when she is older she will really enjoy it because they do all kinds of fun activities there. Yesterday was - yes it's true - bicycle day! All of the older kids who had bikes were instructed to bring them to the center and they were all out in the parking lot riding around and having fun.

The 32 hour week thing is not working out for me right now. Well, it is and it isn't. It eases my guilt for rolling in around 9:30 - 10 every day. But I'm 1 for 3 as far as actually having Fridays off, and 2 out of the 3 I've had something going on the Saturday as well. We'll see how it goes. Work is getting so busy for me though I don't know if it's really feasible. I did have my eval last week and my boss asked for me to get the "maximum" raise possible. That was pretty cool. I really like my job. I just wish I could do it all in 20 hours so I could be home with Kaia.

I'm thinking about chopping my hair off again. I'm in a hair rut. Ideas?

I rode once this week. Geez, this is getting ridiculous. I'm going to have to change the title of my blogs if I don't get off my ass. Maybe I can get a long ride in this weekend.

Here's hopin.


Candice said...

On the hair, I always change the color first when I'm in a rut so I have time to be sure about the cut. What was your favorite hair cut? What's easy?

I miss you guys. I hope she's ok. Pink eye sucks.

Toshya said...

At least she's building up a strong immune system, right? Eye stuff is the WORST. Hope she feels better soon!

You look good with short hair... but I do like the length you have it now. I want to cut mine, too... sort of feeling the long angled bob thing.

Myspace told me your birthday is next week... maybe you need to treat yourself to cut and color :)

jckeeton said...

Daycare does suck for sicknesses. When we were in the waiting room this morning with Andrew, another boy from his class at Renaissance was there getting tubes too. I know ear infections aren't contagious, but the constant colds can't help. I hope Kaia feels better. Dr. Colbi had us try Zyrtek, for Andrew thinking maybe he had allergies, but I don't think it really helped.

Mark said...

Maybe "sittingfor2"??

dianie said...

Good one! What about blinkingforthree? That's technically moving, right? Sorry she's been sick. Wish I could give you both a big squish!

Anonymous said...

Maybe part of hrt sickness is allergy related? Not that they can help with that right now but Lauren had lots of ear trouble/ constant sickness in Stillwater and I think it was allergies (she has allergy issues). On the upside, soon her immune system will be strong.
I'm a big advocate of changing hair. I grew mine out pretty long and then got it chin length in March. There are advantages to long and short but when you need a change, you just need it. Plus you've said your hair has really been changing.
Congrats on the raise.

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

I thought I had pink eye from watching my nephews, NO FUN!! But it cleared up with antihistamine drops.

Cut your hair!! ;) You look so cute!

Toshya said...

Did you get your hairs did for your birthday? :P

cyclefreaks said...

No. :( But I found the haircut I want! Stay tuned... I'll git 'er done one of these days.

NiNi said...

Well, summer's a great time to get a hair-choppin'. And short hair always looks super cool on you...

I was going to say the same as Toshya about the illness thing... ironically enough, this is probably helping her develop a strong immune system... still doesn't make it easier to deal with though, I'm sure.

Good luck with the work situation... you should take the raise as an indication that you shouldn't feel guilty about rolling in late! Obviously, your boss has no problem with it. ;o)

NiNi said...

Oh, and you'd better post photos of your new 'do this week! ;o)