Sunday, November 25, 2007

Anti-Ice Cream

I think Baby Girl Cheney is going to come out never wanting to eat ice cream. We met some friends at Cold Stone on Friday. The restaurant was clean, everything was stocked (yes, sweet cream!) but ... it just didn't hit the spot like I had hoped. I'm going to have to investigate other mixins.

Anyway, we all sit down and start talking when this little kid, assuming the owner's son, comes over and passes out birthday coupon cards. We all remark how cute and what a great job he did with his sales pitch (the kid was young, I'm guessing under 7). We tried to go ahead with our conversation, but every 2 minutes, the kid came over to say something else. The cute wore off really, really fast. In fact, he basically ran us out and forced us to Starbucks next door so we could have a decent conversation.

The ice cream experiences have just been lacking. I'm thinking next craving, I just go to the damn store and buy some Blue Bell. Or maybe Joe's for a chocolate shake.


I don't know how I'm going to ever go back to work after being off for maternity leave. Having 4 days off is heaven, imagine what 3 months will be like???

Anyway, though all the driving back and forth sucked, it was great to see everyone. My nephews are as adorable as ever. Matthew and Stephen spent a lot of time "in their room" reading books. Stephen is on the third Harry Potter and Matthew was reading something called "The Titan's Curse," some kind of fantasy or somesuch that would make his uncle quite proud. I asked him on Saturday if he had finished yet, and he said, "Oh yeah, I'm re-reading this one. I've already read it once."

:) (Aunt beams with pride)

Ben, the kindergartener, is going to be tested for the G&T program. I've never seen a kid more eager to learn. While we were playing Uno, he and Cory were playing Q&A on a piece of paper because he wanted to practice his writing and spelling. He read the baby a book, for which he had made "props" in the car on the drive up.

We love those kids. Those boys are the reason I have a little girl in my belly right now. Had I never known them, I probably never would have had any desire to have a baby of my own.

Let it Snow

Did anyone else get snow? We went over to some friend's for dinner Friday night and when we went to leave, there was 2-3 inches of snow on the ground. No one had even known it was going to snow, much less noticed when it was happening. Wild!

Next appt.

Our next appt. is the first week of December. My stomach is big and hard now, it's crazy. I'm getting tired a lot easier these days and sleep is my enemy again, much like the first trimester. Up to go to the bathroom all the time, right side, left side... ugh. Naps are great but sleeping straight through just isn't happening. Sleeping on my side with all this weight is killing my hips.

Anyway, I'm getting sick of it now. I'm tired of people asking me the same questions over and over. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad to ask a woman these things, but I'm being honest here and answering over and over and over "how are you feeling? when are you due? is it a boy or a girl? Do you have a name picked out?" gets old. As self-absorbed as I am, can't we please talk about something else for once?

Maybe if my ice cream was more satisfying, I'd be less cranky...


Candice said...

Come here and we will take you for some good ice cream. : )
Sorry, we will have to discuss the shower and dates sometime and that means you will have more questions. LOVE ME!!!

jckeeton said...

Sorry about the sleep issues. I was up about every two hours during my third trimester. I found putting a thin pillow under my belly helped my back, but nothing seemed to help my hips and shoulders. I also feel your frustration with the never ending questions. Every patient and every drug rep asked every time they came in the office. Not to mention every time I talked to family they wanted to know how I was feeling and how Andy was doing. How am I suppose to know how Andy was doing? He was locked away in my belly.

I'm not at all looking forward to going back to work. Although, it is not at all like vacation. Andy is awake pretty much all day and wants to be held and entertained. Not much else is getting done. I hate the idea of leaving him all day at daycare.

cyclefreaks said...

Yeah C, but those will be different questions. You already know the answers to the "stranger" questions... besides, shower = gifts! :)

I was thinking about how hard it's going to be to go back to work after being off for 3 months... ugh! We should just find someone to pay us to stay home, right?

Angie said...

You get THREE MONTHS???? Gah.

With my first, I got eight weeks... but the beauty was that they were eight PAID weeks. With the next four, I was a stay-at-home-mom so maternity leave was not an issue.

This time, I will be lucky to get six weeks, considering it's unpaid. Damn. At least I have until July to save.

And definitely try one of those body pillows. They rock, though nothing helps the hips, due to the natural stretching of the ligaments when you're upright. It just all seems to hit when you're laying down, I think.

cyclefreaks said...

Sorry to disappoint A, but none of it is paid. All I get is whatever vacation time I have left by then. No maternity leave at all. Just FMLA.

You have one on the way??

Angie said...

Yes, another. *sigh* This will make six. One would think I'd have figured out how this happens by now, eh?? Not a bad thing, just not great timing.


Oh, and I figured it was unpaid... I think you had a post about that before. But I couldn't afford to take three months unpaid... I think it's great you can! That is precious time with your little one that will always be one of your best and happiest memories...