Saturday, March 28, 2009


This week was interesting, wasn't it? We did actually get snow, but not as much as I had hoped for. I wanted to be able to take Kaia out and build a snowman tomorrow but I fear it will all be gone. :(

Cory & I spent the day cleaning and somehow no one room is done yet. Ugh. We have our realtor coming by tomorrow to tell us the dos and don'ts for getting our house on the market. I'm hoping she can also give us an idea of what she thinks it might sell for. She's been doing this a long time, I think she could probably give a decent guess. Anyway, we didn't get the garage cleaned out this week like we had planned so... we're behind a week but if the weather is nice this week, maybe we'll get it done and then do the "work" on it this weekend.

I registered for a bike ride Saturday. Just a 10-miler but I thought it might be a good way to kick-start my riding. I've got to get back into it this spring, even if it's just a long ride on the weekend. I miss it. And I really want to be able to do a century with D.

Kaia is getting so smart! She is giving hugs and kisses, blowing kisses, walking, saying bye and waving... it's just amazing to watch her learn. I love it.

Well, need to go check on the laundry. Ugh.

Hope everyone enjoyed their cold weekend. :)


greenGuru said...

Cold? What cold? I spent the day with the windows open and sitting on the back porch, reading.

(and had my sister send me a bunch of pictures--I miss seeing snow)

Candice said...

Grr, can't believe I have to work Saturday and miss seeing you guys. Mark has been instructed to take lots of pictures and get some video for me.

Your house is very cute and you guys should be able to get a good price for it. Hell, make dad come down during the week to help you work on it after you get home. Before you know it you will be moving into your new house in Edmond.