Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sleepy Babies

Kaia is sitting in Daddy's lap watching Bedlam OKC style and kicking her feet. She's so sleepy she is doing anything to keep awake. I'm trying to take some "me" time for the first time in a week, even though I feel guilty as hell that I am home but not cleaning, working out or playing with my daughter.

So things are starting to be assigned to me at work. This is going to be as "big" of a job as I thought it was, which is good. And they are being extremely generous with my time right now, which is also good. I left at 4 yesterday after a meeting and left today after spending 4 hours at a water safety event with about, oh, 400 kindergartners. It was like herding cats. And tomorrow, I have a meeting at UCO until 4 so I'm guessing I'll get to leave after that too.

I got paid for the last 3 days of Feb. that I was on payroll. I haven't seen the stub yet, but the direct deposit hit and man, this is going to be nice.

The drive sucks, I'm already sick of it. I found a house I like in Edmond but of course, it doesn't matter much because we haven't done jack crap to get this house ready to sell. I'm of the opinion that we put it on the market and see what happens. Being at work at 7:30 in the morning does not bode well with living an hour away!!

Kaia is really not doing well in her new room at daycare. I don't like the lead teacher much. She isn't eating well there but eats great at home. I think they expect her to already know how to feed herself beyond what we have done with her so she doesn't get much of any food all day. We've talked to daycare about it but so far, I haven't been pleased with anything new being done about it. For the moms out there, how much should she be able to do herself at 13 months? Are we supposed to know when to give her the spoon and let her go at it? Because right now, she's barely getting food in with her hands. I mean, she does, but sometimes she misses and is pretty slow about it.

So, that's really the update. I don't have time for anything. Get home (usually) around 6. Play with Kaia, feed her, get her ready for bed, read stories, spend the next hour trying to get her to actually sleep, then I'm so exhausted I usually fall asleep too. I miss my husband. I miss blogging. I miss sleep. I'm even starting to miss cycling.

I won't, however, missing being broke.


jckeeton said...

First off, yea Cowboys! I didn't much like the toddler teacher at Rennaisance either. Andrew is almost sixteen months, and he can use a spoon sporadically. Not like to feed himself a meal, but more like a couple dips here and there while I feed him. He's pretty good at the hand-mouth thing. I don't think he was doing any of that at 13 months though. Not being happy with daycare sucks. It adds so much stress to your already full load. I also say put your house up and see what happens. People are looking to downsize. Our house sold in a week. If you don't have a realtor, call Connie Stokes with MM Realtors. She's excellent and will take care of you. I hope things get better for all of you.

Skept said...

I miss you, too. :(

greenGuru said...

Don't worry--you'll get there. Sounds like you're doing really well so far.

morning miles said...

I think the real question is does she want to feed herself? If she is not interested in doing so, it just won't happen. I honest to goodness don't remember the when but can tell you that by 2 she'll be fine (that's right, I am of no help).
So what the house isn't clean. Getting to see your girl is more important than that. In another month you'llbe moving and getting to see her more.

I have nightmares about 400+ kindergarteners. I can hardly herd the 25 at a time I have twice a week!

dianie said...

I'm not a mom, but I remeber in school that consistent self-feeding (with utensils)doesn't happen developmentally until they're more like 18 months or 24 months. Can't believe they're expecting that of her so soon without letting her guide the process.

cyclefreaks said...

I don't think they actually expect her to use utensils, that was more just a question on my part... but I don't think they are doing much to help her eat. If it doesn't improve this next week, I'm going to take the morning off and go see how exactly they are "feeding" her. She's been eating all day all weekend so I am hoping she just has her appetite back and things will get better from here. It was a rough week. She also feel a couple times at school and once at home ... :(

Anonymous said...

To get her to eat with her hands, try sweet stuff, like muffins, banana bread, etc. That is what got Adam going and now he just can't stop! he also like to suck on an entire cookie, it's messy but he eventually eats the whole thing! It was slow getting him going on the feeding himself thing, but he got there. He also likes to hold his own spoon while I feed him. Hang in there - they always get it eventually!!!