Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Work, Part II

So the layout of the office is like this: Kaylee and I share a cubicle (4 walls and a door). Across from us is a woman in a closet-office reminiscent of my days at Urban Tulsa. Behind us, through a door, are Matt and Landon. They are across from each other in “normal” cubicles, and behind them, two more people in cubes then the end wall.

Along the end wall is a microwave, a coffee pot and a dorm-sized fridge. I’m sure it’s against fire codes but oh well, all of that sits on top of a filing cabinet.

Around the corner from me & Kaylee, there is a large table where people eat lunch. It’s all open, we can generally hear conversations if they are loud enough. You guys know what cubicle life is like. NOT private.

Anyway, there’s a significant amount of eating that goes on around here. Some healthy, some not so healthy. The woman across from us, in the “closet office” heats and eats cabbage and brussel sprouts quite frequently. Today, someone is having some kind of soup. Either way, they stink a lot like really bad body odor, and it’s almost more than I can take. People, you are sharing my air. If you want to eat something smelly, eat it somewhere else. Ever hear of a pbj? Turkey? Tuna? Salad? Leave yo’ stanky-ass food at home and let me live in peace!

If I ever get pregnant again while I’m employed here, I won’t be able to be anywhere on this floor during lunch.


greenGuru said...

There was somebody here at the office that kept putting popcorn in the microwave and either kept forgetting about it or really, really liked horribly burnt popcorn.

I hate that smell. And it takes forever to clear.

Corie Baker said...

Where do you work?! I missed that whole part! Sorry. I think I work close to you. I work in a museum in the Heritage Hills neighborhood, which is on 13th and Shartel.

I've been meaning to tell you that I saw you the day of the marathon. I was leaving church, and tried to yell out the window at you, but couldn't hear me. Email me sometime! (clb@oklahomaheritage.com) Maybe we can meet up for lunch one day. Do you like Greek food? The Olive Branch downtown has amazing food!

Andia said...

Yeah the popcorn smell is bad- 2 people I work with have banned ANYONE popping popcorn.

dianie said...

cabbage? who the hell brings cabbage and brussel sprouts to work?! You should make a garlic and onion souffle and see if people don't get the hint.

Mark said...

We have a cafeteria area at my work and people bring in food all the time to reheat for lunch.

By and far the worst food to reheat (imho) is any kind of fish. The whole floor ends up smelling like stank-ass fish the rest of the day.

Be glad its cabbage.

hwall said...

Do you ever notice that, when you're reheating food, you don't mind the smell, but when someone else does it, you want to gag? That's how I feel anyway. I absolutely HATE it when my office smells like food, and yet I reheat food all the time and stink up the place because I'm trying to eat out less and there are only so many days in a row a girl can choke down a turkey sandwich.

Artist at Heart, Independent by Nature said...

I agree with D! What comes around goes around! Stink 'em out! ;)