Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oh the suckage

Let me recap the past 8 days or so.

After finding out I'm probably going to be unemployed, I took a couple days off. Woke up with ear pain, went to Tulsa anyway and was in tears by the time I was driving home. Had an infected ear drum and ear canal. excruciating pain. Got drugs and drops, the pain went away but it's still clogged and I can't hear a damn thing.

Thursday morning, Kaia woke up puking all over Cory. Over and over. She was fine through the day, then puked on me that night, over and over. Woke up Friday with more of the same. It is heartbreaking when a baby throws up like that. There's just nothing you can do to make it better. We took her to the walk-in clinic to make sure she wasn't dehydrated and to see if there was anything we could give her. Nope. Just ride it out. So we did.

Saturday, she woke up in a good mood and didn't have any more trouble. by the time we got home from tulsa on Saturday, I wasn't feeling so well. In fact, as I was getting out of the car, i told Cory I felt woozy. 'bout two hours later, I was puking my guts up over and over. and over. i'm better today, though still half-deaf, and Cory is feeling woozy.

I feel like we can't get a break.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you all are passing it around. Rachel puked so much at 9months that she preforated her esophagus and landed in the nicu for an overnight stay- then we all got it too. The only thing worse than having puking spells is watching your kids have them.

jckeeton said...

Ohhh, I'm sorry. That really sucks. Dr. Smithton gave Andrew an antinausea medicine that really seemed to help, if gets the puking fits again.

Toshya said...

If it helps, I can't get a break either... seems to be going around, the not getting a break thing, and the stomach flu thing! I had some sort of dreadful funk all weekend myself :(

Hope it all looks up soon... for everyone!

Carrie said...

Oh that sucks. I have had the same problem. Yesterday being the worst but I feel like $100 today.

hwall said...

Ugh. I'm so sorry. I hope everyone feels better and that shitty things stop happening to you.

NiNi said...

*big hugs all around*