Monday, May 26, 2008

Dead Batteries

Sorry folks, no new pictures to post. Flat broke and dead batteries in the camera. I'll buy some on Friday. :)

Post-Partum Woes Update

I know that not everyone can hop on a bike and ride 20 miles, so I understand that I have not lost all of my fitness level. However, it is so much harder with all this extra weight and my lost endurance that it has really been a challenge to get out there and do it. I rode once last week, and so far zip this week but it is only Monday. I was hoping to get a long ride in over the weekend but didn't.

I lost 10 pounds last month so that is encouraging. If I could do that every month for the next 4 I would be ecstatic! Of course, I know how it is and know the loss will slow down :( but even if I can do 5 a month that would be great. I have managed to fit into a couple of my non-maternity pants but they are also my fat pants so it's not all that exciting. 8\

My hair has started to fall out again. I wish I could say that my pregnancy hair, what with all the vitamin taking and not shedding, was fabulous but really, it sucked. I think the extra hair weighed it down. Maybe once it starts to fall out again I'll like it once more.

This is one thing I'm a little puzzled about. Every morning when I get up, my feet hurt. As in I step very, very carefully until they "wake up." WTF? Is this post-pregnancy, overweight for the first time in my life or just old age?

Bathtub Woes Update

Whatever it was, I think it's gone! I bleached several times, and did hydrogen peroxide once and it seems to be staying gone this time. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I'm going to keep bleach on hand just in case but for now, it seems baths are once again part of my night-time ritual.

Kaia Update

Should I have put this one first? Nah. I wanted to make you read about MY woes first. :)

Kaia had her first fever last week. She had her 4 month shots and this time got a fever. It was sad. :( She just didn't feel good. Neither did I. Thought I had a UTI but I peed in a cup for the doc on Friday and everything was fine. I still had pain on Saturday but now it's gone. Who knows.

Seems the munchkin hasn'st been eating enough lately. Her rapid weight gain seems to have halted. We think it's partly from the new routine and first week at daycare but she was only 10 pounds and was around that same weight when we went to get her ears checked a couple of weeks ago. We aren't worried but were surprised. I had guessed her at 12 and Cory guessed 11.

She is cooing all the time now, god it's cute. We keep trying to capture it on video and I swear, the kid just stops doing whatever it is the minute the camera is out! She has started to roll onto her side too. Her head control is good... she is doing almost everything she should be doing at this age, though still not really grasping things or batting at toys. Everyone tells us what a good baby she is, and how good her temperament is. We feel so lucky to have her.

Work Update

I officially start the 32 hour work week this week. I'm a little worried about us financially, but we're going to give it a shot!


Okjerm said...

Kaia grasped my finger while I held her. She had a nice little grip going.

I'll admit to peeking at the tub. You built it up so much I was kind of let down to see it clean. lol.

cyclefreaks said...

Yeah, she's grasped fingers since she was born but objects do not really interest her yet. She does try to hold up her bottle and feed herself tho. :)

LOL, you wouldn't have wanted to see the tub. It was so gross that I couldn't bring myself to take a picture. In my sister's words, "Disgusting."

Thanks for coming up and preparing such awesome Man Burgers on the Man Grill!

jckeeton said...

I understand. I don't have anytime for exercise these days, what with baby and all. I know it's cliche, but it's true. By the time I get home from work, it's dinner, bath, play, and bed. Has Kaia recovered from her shots?

cyclefreaks said...

She is fully recovered and happy as a clam. She has had a cough that I'm a little worried about though.

Anonymous said...

I hope she performs on video sooon so you can upload it and let us see it!
I understand about the endurance and weight. It took me about 12-14 months to get both my endurance and running speed back. And it depressed the hell out of me. I did Weight Watchers after Rachel- not big on group stuff but paying money each week kept me (somewhat) honest. Now if I could just lose those 12 extra pounds from Lauren (only 9 years ago...). I am very competitive so being slow and winded was tough for me but once a month I would basically do a time trial sort of run to test myself. I think I could be a lot faster if I was 12 pounds lighter, though.
Sorry both of you were sick. No fun.
Dave and I get a sucky parent award for this weekend. Rachel had a bandaid on her finger. We thought she lost it but when Dave changed her poopy diaper last night we learned that she had actually eaten it. Really. The entire Scooby Doo bandaid was mixed in with her poop. We knew she lost it during dinner (and it was near her fingertip) so we think it came off with a bite.

Skept said...

ewww. lol.

Carrie said...

I think the "sleepy feet" have to do with age but it could be with weight. My aunt brought it up about 5 years ago and then boom, I have sleepy feet. I have wiggle them around before I get out of bed each morning.

Endurance is something that my body does not know. I'm always surprised by how determined you are with riding. I can't imagine enjoying something like riding. (although my brother is also a cyclefreak) But it gives me something to think about.

I'm sorry to hear that Kaia was sick. Good thing that they can bounce back so easily!

Candice said...

Someone please tell me what kind of batteries you need so we can be sure this never happens again. I need a fix and will have to wait so long to get it.

Candice said...

How fast does she go through a pack of diapers and a pack of wipes? And now I must go to Sam's and get you a million AA batteries so I can have pictures all the time!!!!!

Candice said...

I NEED PICTURES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skept said...

batteries have been purchased. I should warn you now. She's almost lost all her hair.

Anonymous said...

I assume that you are talking about Kaia's hair...

Candice said...

I don't care, just get me pictures stat!!!!!