Monday, June 25, 2007

The Home Test

I couldn't wait until later. I decided to take the test after lunch at El Tapatio. Cory made his way to his bathroom while I made my way for mine.

"You know you'll probably find out you're pregnant while I'm in the crapper."

You know Cory. Ever the romantic.

It's not like we haven't done this test before. Go pee on a stick, look at stick two minutes later to see a big fat minus sign. As in you are minus any eggs, you old lady.

I peed, then got online to check my email. I had a lengthy one from my sister so I got into reading that when I realized I'd forgotten about the test. I ran to the bathroom, thinking to myself, "I just need to tell him, all my eggs have dried up. We should stop wasting money on EPT."

I picked up the test and saw two faint lines instead of one.


I smiled, kind of fiendishly, because I knew I was going to tell Cory some of the most exciting news he's ever heard while he was taking a post-Mexican food dump.

"Cory? Uh... you were right."

"About what?"

"That I'm going to tell you I'm pregnant while you're on the crapper."

"What? No shit? Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I need you to come look at this. It looks like a plus sign to me..."


NiNi said...

This is the best "breaking the pregnancy news" story EVER. It's SO "Cory and Sneff." :D

Candice said...

There was no better way for him to find out, really it is so you guys!

Carrie said...