Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I forgot to post a couple things about the weekend... I get all in Kaia mode and forget everything else!

My brother's house is awesome. I don't know how many square feet it is but the thing's got 5 bathrooms. FIVE! One of which is in the 3-car garage, which also houses two little office rooms. Amazing. I'm proud of my brother. He has worked for the same company since he graduated from college. can you imagine that?? Actually, before that because he worked a semester and would go to school for a semester. Anyway, he's a great dad. His boys are very lucky.

Matthew, the oldest, goes to a science magnet school and has a girlfriend named Amber. He's growing up so fast. Stephen was working on his science project where he hypothesized that a pulley system would be the fastest way to get up a tree, versus climbing up a slide or regular tree-climbing. My brother built the pulley and went to test it out. Fell out of it and landed on his back. Couldn't move so well the rest of the vacation. Ouch. Ben is a little OCD and currently obsessed with Star Wars Clone Wars. He is very sweet and read a story to Kaia.

There is a path behind their house that led to a park where we took Kaia swinging. She seemed to like it, especially more than she liked sliding down the slide with Mommy. Mommy got stuck on the slide so it wasn't that fun at the end. Came to a complete stop. Note to Mommy: LOSE THE WEIGHT.

Also while we were at the park, I was getting all crazy pushing Matthew and Ben in a tire swing. I got them going so fast, they were laughing so hard, it was so fun. So I decided I would up the ante a little and really got to spinning and pushing them. I was holding onto the chain and was running in circles and when I let go, I lost my balance and went careening the opposite direction. I flipped foot over head and landed on my back, my head bouncing off the ground pretty forcefully. It made me realize something. I am too old to act like a 10 year old. :)

They have a Wii and we played outdoor adventures... OMG it was so fun. We had it on advanced and I thought we were all going to die by the end. Talk about a workout! Stomping more than 65 moles in a minute (or two?) is hard work, and it left us all breathless. Even Cory. He held the record for mole stomping but it wore him out too. It was so much fun. I want one. I didn't realize how expensive they were though. Sheesh!

My sister informed me Friday night that we were all going to get pedicures the next day and she was paying for me to go. It was awesome. Talk about a girlie day! My mom got her hair done and then she, Paula, my sis-in-law and I went for pedicures.

I've found lots of jobs to apply for... OKC, Tulsa, Denver, McKinney and Allen, TX. I hope something comes through but I also hope that I don't really find anything until March. I'd really like to enjoy having a severance so I can stay home with Kaia for a month. She'll be one year old next month. Blows my freaking mind. I think we've done a good job of enjoying each moment though. I don't think we've been so busy with other things that we've missed out on her first year.


Okjerm said...

You can have our Wii. We never play it. I might not even unpack it. It's great when people come over, but even then said people have to be in the mood to play it.

cyclefreaks said...

Sweet! :)

Candice said...

Wow, I think you just got a free Wii!

That sounds like a fun trip. I love the story about playing outside with the nephews. Nothing like playing with kids to make you act like one again.

Pedi=so jealous

Skept said...

jerm, no shit?

we'll figure out something to give you for it.

Candice said...

Lol, mole stomper

Okjerm said...

Well... you have to speak to Andia first. She wants the Wii Fit.

I was trying to warn you off of it. It's basically your PS3 without the benefit of also being a Blu-Ray player.

The thing is just not fun solo or without a crowd around.

Candice said...

I disagree. While the Wii is fun as hell with a group its still something we use for just us.

cyclefreaks said...

dammit Jerm, you got my hopes up!

Carrie said...

I can't believe it will be a year next month. I hope Cory goes back and reads his post about the baby coming.

Anonymous said...

We love our Wii. The fit is awesome too (although they could easily do some updates). Mole stomping. Would haveloved tosee that. Have to look into the outdoor adventure.

And it's not that you have weight to lose as much as it is that those damn slides are uber-narrow!

Toshya said...

I want a free pedi!!! Sounds like a fun first Thanksgiving for Kaia :)

I took a spinning class for the first time in 3-4 years last night... made me think of you. My legs were all wobbly when I got off the bike! It was fun, though.

Andia said...

Hey I like the Wii. I never get to play it because usually we are watching TV or Jeremy is playing a game and I hate to bother him.

dianie said...

Is it just me, or does something sound a little irrational about losing weight to fit into a kiddie slide?? Dude, it's for kiddie butts, cut yourself a break!

with love,

hwall said...

How could you guys have possibly let a whole year go by without letting me see Kaia? If you have a birthday party for her, FYI, Isaac and I are inviting ourselves to Stillwater.

Also FYI, I stole your address off your resume for Christmas card purposes because your husband is COMPLETELY unresponsive. Hear that, Cory? COMPLETELY UNRESPONSIVE.

Okjerm said...

"COMPLETELY unresponsive. Hear that, Cory? COMPLETELY UNRESPONSIVE."

I second that.

Candice said...

Hello...its Cory. What do you expect?

Candice said...

Hey lady, I NEED MORE PICTURES!!!!!!