Kaia didn't get sick one time in November. So we're making up for it by starting December off with a bang. We've all been home together since Friday. We put off going to the doctor until Sunday, figuredwe can't take her in every time she gets a fever, right? But Saturday night, her fever hit a record 102.5 so Sunday we took her to the walk-in clinic. She's been coughing, snotty and her eyes... her beautiful smiling eyes... have been runny and bloodshot with snot coming out of them. :( I was afraid she had pink eye on top of everything else.

Anyway, she's got an ear infection AND a sinus infection. The coughing is the worst though. Her eyes are red because she coughs so hard she bursts the vessels in her eyes. Doc says it will fade on its own and not a big deal but she looks SO sad. The smile is gone from her eyes even when her mouth is smiling. :( It's heart-breaking. She just moans and mumbles when she has a fever, like a little crazy person.
So, to make me and everyone else feel better, here's some pre-sickess pictures to enjoy.
I got her little hat and mittens at Penneys. Why are sleeping babies so dang cute?! I must have a million pictures of her sound asleep.
She has started putting her feet up on the tray of the high chair, so I took it off. She just put her feet up on the chair itself instead. LOL.
We put up the tree last night. I'm not quite done yet but as soon as I am I'll post pics. We're trying to figure out how to keep her from trying to pull up on the tree...
Ugh, I hate it when she's sick. It just breaks your heart.
Thanks for the pics, I really needed a fix.
Poor little girl. I always feel so bad for them when they're sick. I wish I could be sick for them. Hope she feels better soon.
Thanks, we hate it too. And we are all actually sick so it's like we're sick for her but not enough to make her well. LOL Oh well, we tried.
Susan - you "in" for the OKC marathon relay? I think I'm starting the race.
Oh this just breaks my heart. She will be better hopefully really soon and those smiling eyes will be glowing.
Ahhhh, I can't decide. I haven't run in literally some where around 2 years. And, I haven't exercise in like 10 mons. Shame on me. When are you registering? Do you have an entire team counting me?
Have you tried Delsym for her cough? It works wonders- is safe for little ones and for big people.
Yeah, eye snot is the worst.
I am more than positive you have thought of this but whatever you decide to do with the tree make sure you attach it to the wall.
I am so sorry the little one is sick....I hope all of you get better soon.
how do you attach a tree to the wall? details woman! we haven't done anything yet. so far she just likes to sit under it and play with the tree skirt. LOL
Lauren was scared of the tree. Really. It was wierd. If we put her by it she would cry (and as a December baby she was 1 when this was happening). With Rachel (aka danger baby) we made a rule that she could touch it only with us with her. We've long had a "you can only hold one ornament at a time and only when a parent is in the room" rule.
Real or fake tree? What we always did was put a nail or some type of hook into the wall behind were the tree would be then we would take some type of twine or whatever and tie the twine to the top part of the tree(ours was fake) and than tie it to the nail or hook. It worked really well for my grandma and trust me she ALWAYS has had little ones around.
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