She's been coughing as you know, so this morning Cory called and got her an appointment and I took her in at two. We just wanted to check her lungs and make sure everything was clear from the sinus/ear infection round. Doctor C was a little afraid it was RSV, the viral stuff we got her shots for last year when she came home from the 'spital. They did a nasal swab and all clear, no RSV. BUT she does have bronchiolitis, which is viral so nothing we can do but wait it out and help her breathe easier.
I have to say, breathing treatment kind of freaks me out. I know they've been doing this sort of thing in hospitals for years, but I worry about giving a kid asthma medicine when they don't have asthma. It's one of those things, along with autism, that has really increased over the past 20 years so I can't help but wonder if we aren't giving our kids these diseases with some of the treatments we use for other things. I haven't done any research but I know I didn't take any breathing treatments when I was a kid. And I'm sure I had an infection or two. The older I get, the more paranoid I am about healthcare, medicines and the like.
Of course, it doesn't help that I have been reading, off and on, a book called "healing the new childhood epidemics: autism, asthma, allergies and ADHD." It basically says a combination of poor nutrition, toxic nutrition, actually, and an onslaught of vaccinations are causing new childhood diseases to take the place of chicken pox and all the things we all had as kids. It's interesting reading, but I'm not about to not vaccinate Kaia.
Yesterday or whenever I put up that last post I was feeling all hopeful about a job and in a short amount of time, I've gone to being scared that I'm not going to find anything, anywhere, and we will lose the house, the car, our credit standing... it's freaky shit to worry about. I imagine it's normal to hit all areas of the spectrum, I just wish I wouldn't go from one end of it to the other end. Somewhere in the middle would be nice...
We have stopped eating fast food because of the chemicals. I really think a lot of our problems stems from the stuff they put in our food.
I hope she gets to feeling well and I wish I could do something to keep you from worrying so much.
Sorry about the little miss. I don't know anything about the long term effects of meds. But, I will say that Andrew has had to have a breathing treatment every day for the last year. I don't like giving him the medicine, but before we started the daily treatments, anytime he got any sniffle, ear infection, etc he would wheeze so loud you could hear him from accross the room. The medicine is scary, but hearing him like that was way scarier. We're hopeful he can ween off the meds soon. Hope she feels better.
Andrew had the RSV version of bronchiolitis when he was 3 months.
We do breathing treatments on pets just like Kaia got. I haven't heard about any weird shit happening because of it. They also gave me a breathing treatment after one of my surgeries. I hope it helped her feel better. I hate it when she doesn't feel good.
I remember Andrew having RSV. Doc really thought she had it because she was wheezing but the test was negative. Poor kids, no wonder you can't remember life this young.
Lauren had to do breathing treatments when she was very small (10 weeks old- rsv) and her recent asthma tests came back negative (she has David's allergy issues though). It is scary to have them go through.
I think the amount of antibiotic and growth hormone shots that animals get is scarier than the possible side effects of vaccinations. My kids have none of those health issues (the ones that might relate to vaccinations) and I have allowed them to have every vaccine out there. However, I am very cognizant of feeding them meat and trying to limit it or regulate the cuts- I went to a lecture on this stuff and the early pubetry onset stats were scary along with the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria strains rising in relation to this. I think there are other bigger issues related to autism and aspergers.
I feel for you. Hang in there. It will work out.
:( If it makes you feel any better, I had regular breathing treatments as a baby and kid. And I turned out perfectly normal......;) The worst part about it is that most of those respiratory therapists smoke, which sucks if you have bronchitis and have to smell it on 'em. The most important thing is that she can breath better because wheezing as a kid is really scary. On a brighter note, the human body was made to evolve and resist infection, toxic berries and saber-tooth tigers. Methinks the stress of worrying about hidden chemicals and hormones is more damaging to YOUR body than what it could do to hers. While it may seem that autism and adhd are related to diet, none of that has been proven as causal. And the increase in both of those is also due to better detection. I know that may not rid you of the worries, but maybe it'll help.
Tell her auntie d says to suck on that puffer!
D, that sounded ... off.
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