Anyway, we started preparing pretty early for Friday. Cory did all the shopping on Wednesday, getting beer, sodie, requesting the super stuffing from his dad... we cleaned and cleaned in preparation. Yes family, it's true. We cleaned for the friends, not for you. LOL
For those of you who missed it, here's the spread and the reason for the meat jokes: ham, brisket, turkey, green bean casserole, fruit salad, rolls and mashed taters. That's right. A 3-meat combo. Merry Freakin' Christmas! Everything was SO good. For dessert, we had homemade cookies, chocolate mocha trifle, buttermilk pie and a chocolate layered pudding dessert. We were all about to explode but it was soooo worth it.
Jerm & Andia got Kaia the coolest giant hippo (see separate post... the gift is NOT for the dog) from Ikea. I've actually used it for a pillow, it's so soft. Kaia has laid her head on it and squeezed it too but I haven't captured that with the camera yet...
Isaac and Kaia met and exchanged gifts. She was all over him, he was not sure what to think of this handsy little girl. Grabbing his face, taking his toys...
We got him this little safari roller which needed to be inflated. Holly started to blow it up and Cory, being the generous host, piped in, "Oh I have something I can do that with" so she gave it to him and he disappeared. For like, an eternity. Finally, I got up to see what he was doing. The "thing" he was going to blow it up with didn't work, so he was sitting quietly in the nursery... well, here ya go:
I died laughing, and was proud at the same time. Despite his crabby demeanor, my husband is really such a softy.
Everyone played Wii bowling while Diane, Paula, Holly and I oohed and aahed over the babies. Rick, Diane D. and Josh stuck around til midnight and we all played some righteous Wii tennis.
It took us three shifts of cleaning the kitchen to get it back to normal. The dishwasher is cool, but it made us lazy. We didn't want to hand wash all that shit so we filled up the tiny thing, emptied it, filled it, repeat. :)
It was a great time and no matter where we are next Christmas, we must find a way to repeat the event. I really enjoyed it and am so thankful to have such great friends, old and new. I wish one of these days we would get our shit together and take some group photos!
It's just too easy..."Cory blows."
Do you know what it's like to sit on a Christmas present for three months anticipating when the recipient will get to open it?
Thanks again for having us over. We had a great time. And thanks to Cory for almost popping a lung in an attempt to get Isaac's toy blown up. Hate to say it, though, but the thing doesn't work. Isaac's still not crawling. :)
I think is the first photo I have seen of the nursery. I love the colors!
I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to make it. I'll make sure to find a weekend to drive up and see everyone again.
Jerm - I've never managed to buy anyone a Christmas gift that early. :) So the answer to your question would be NO. I did, however, buy our bedroom stuff months in advance of secretly decorating the bedroom, that was hard enough.
We had a great time. Thanks! Kaia gets more beautiful every time we see her. I loved finally meeting Holly. After reading all of her great posts.
Holly- Issac is a cutie. I hope we can see you and him more often.
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