but back to Kaia...
She is doing much better now (as demonstrated with tonight's photo above). The shot of antibiotic at the ER really cleared up her ear and brought her fever down. She still isn't wheezing, though her lungs are a little crackly at times. The breathing treatments really seem to help with that. It's the dang cough that kills me. She'll cough so hard, it just breaks my heart. Her eating/appetite is a little better but nowhere near it should be. She weighed 15.15 at the doc office but I bet she lost a little after all these days of not eating.
As for the job front, man nothing is happening at all. The health department hasn't called me, cigna hasn't called me and I got a letter from Baylor today saying a job I'd applied for has been pulled from the list of open positions due to "changes" which means they're broke too.
Inaugurations are a lot like church so it was hard to sit through but I wanted to witness history today. Cory & I talked once about how there has never been a time in our adult lives when we felt "connected" to politics or events like they had with JFK or landing on the moon or the cold war. I think Obama changed that and I hope he delivers. I have faith in him. I've contributed to two presidential campaigns in my life: Clinton's and his. But with Obama, I gave my millions twice.
I've been cherry picking posts to move to my public blog. I will let you guys know when it is up and at 'em, though I don't know really that you will need to bookmark it. It will be watered down versions of here.... they will be more thoughtful and a little more introspective, I plan to think about the posts there as I would a weekly column. Anyway, I'll keep ya posted on the posts.
A year old? Good grief!
I don't know what to say about the job thing other than "keep going, stay strong". I have faith that it will happen for you.
The right job will come, and it damn well better be here!
I still can't believe tomorrow is her birthday either. Is she going to daycare or does she get to play hooky? Can't wait for this weekend, seriously, I can't wait.
I can't believe she is older than Kaine and only 15lbs! Petite lil thing!!
So glad she is feeling better! I hope mama catches up soon!
Have you thought about working for a health/fitness magazine? I don't know if any of them are hiring but it could be up your ally...
Can you imagine going to an interview all red-eyed and full of pus? It'll come.
What a big girl! And standing. Oh man, that walking thing changes everything.
Happy Birthday, Miss Kaia! Isaac and I can't wait to see you again!
Is Kaia having a B-Day party?
Happy birthday, kiddo.
Your birthday letter is so beautiful. Happy Birthday, Kaia :)
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