The interview was ... weird. I got the impression that the woman interviewing me was thinking about a different position for me which could be good, or it could mean that I don't end up getting either of them. Long story, but basically one is physical activity coordinator and one is health educator. I would be more excited about the health educator one but have not received a call for that one yet. She gave me a number to call to see if I was "on the list" and apparently I am... but still no "Can you come interview" kind of thing. Anyway, we will see. I definitely did not come out of there pumped about the job OR the interview itself, and I even knew one of the interviewers. The health educator one I would be pumped about.
So that's where I am. Playing the wait and see game. After the interview, I called my friend Susan and she met me at Target. I can't stop buying clothes for Kaia. It's a sickness. Anyway, we shopped a little and had coffee, then I came home. My mom was not feeling well and ended up puking a couple times... I think her pain medication for her TMJ is making her sick. :(
I went and picked Kaia up from school so Cory could interview Doug Gottleib. He's still at work and Kaia and Mom are both asleep. It's like I have the house to myself. Even Fletcher is asleep. It's rare these days that he isn't whining or otherwise driving me nutso. Poor fella.
Someday you're going to have to explain all the topless pictures of Kaia on the internet.
hopefully she won't be such a prude that she is offended by the innocent sight of a beautiful naked infant.
I was thinking of the embarrassment factor. lol.
I had a good time hanging out over coffee. I have my fingers crossed for you.
The wait and see part sucks, sorry.
Lol, I had forgotten how much fun she had with the Pampers bag. I love that kid.
As long as the topless pics are of her at this age- when she's 15 you'll be hoping for a prude!
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