Stay the hell away from it.
It's mine.

Just seeing him makes me smile THIS BIG.
He is the best Daddy in the whole world.
I love him.

The only person I love as much as my Daddy is Mommy.
This is me cuddling up to her.
I tried to eat her nose.
I love her so much.
She is the best.
OMG! These are priceless. I love them. Thank you!!!
Gorgeous! The Hamby girls are in total agreement.
You know how people say that they can't stand to look at people's pictures of their kids? Totally not this case. She is so perfect and beautiful.
These pictures are so amazing... I love the one of you and Kaia nose to nose. I also like that the turtle is named Frog.
We can thank Cory for that one. The photo AND the turtle named frog. :) He kept calling him Mr. Frog (so did I really) and one day I go, "Hey! This isn't a frog, why do we keep calling him Mr. Frog??" He TOTALLY has a frog head. I guess cuz turtle heads are ugly.
Thanks for the many compliments! Someone asked if I got tired of hearing how cute our daughter was, and I said "Are you kidding? Who would get tired of hearing that??" :)
It's actually "Mr. Frog," if you want to be technical about it.
Heheheeeeeeeeeee!!!! What a l'il PUNKIN! A turtle named frog? That's just way too funny. This new one of you two is my new favorite... and what a precious smile. I do believe she'll have daddy wrapped around her little finger forever.
Oh and sorry, MISTER FROG [how did I KNOW Cory was probably behind that name]? :D
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