Daycare is going fairly well, though neither Cory or I can get our shit together well enough in the mornings to get anywhere on time. We just cannot get up anymore. I feel drugged every morning.
Not much to report really, I just wanted to get some photos up before Candice has a coronary.
Oh, my heart goes out to you. We've all been sick, too. Were you sick while you were pregnant at all? I've been sick something like 4 or 5 times this pregnancy, with colds, flus and whatever else. Right now I am trying not to succumb to a sinus infection.
Last week both of my kiddos were coughing and Gabbi was even throwing up the week before. Ugh. It's just been a bad year. Hugs to you all!!!
Sinus infections are whats plaguing Kaia and Cory. I don't know what my deal is. Sore throat and hideous coughing fits... I have lots of drainage too but no sinus pressure, so I dunno. I just know it sucks!
Glad to see you back on the site! I have missed your comments.
Stop growin' punkin pie!!! It's going too fast!! Miss all your faces!
She's cuter everyday.
Ugh, it sounds like Oklahoma... I was sick all spring and all summer EVERY spring and every summer. Just so allergic to that place.
Kaia is getting big! She has such an adorable face :)
I was about to have one, you posted these just in the nick of time!
We've been sick too!
Listening to little Kaine cough and sneeze and struggle to breathe is terrible especially when I know how bad I felt!
Hope you all recovery quickly!
She is changing so much! Can't believe I saw her a couple weeks ago!
Miss you guys!
And here I am doing "baby talk" at the pictures. LOL Adam and I both agree that she is growing like a weed.
She is so cute- and looks good in every color. You can definitely tell how much she loves for you and Cory to hold her!
Hope all three of you will start feeling better soon. Summer sicknesses are the worst.
I love her l'il hats! And it's SO amazing watching how her facial expressions evolve with every new round of photos... the girl just can't take a bad picture... I think she's going to be a little actress. Hehehe... ;o)
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