A few minutes ago, I was sitting here playing on the laptop and Kaia

was on Cory's lap. They had just sat down together after he got her out of her swing and I hadn't yet looked over to see what she was doing. When I did, she was smiling so big at me, it was like her face was going to crack. It was the cutest, biggest smile I've ever seen, so I got excited and smiled back, started talking to her and clapping. That's when it happened. The giggle. We got our first giggle! Mark this down in history as one of the best moments in my life. In fact, one of the greatest days ever, start to finish.

She is feeling better, though all three of us still sound terrible. Cory is now battling some kind of stomach bug... either that or he snuck away and ate some salmonella tomatoes from somewhere. At any rate, it still feels like we'll never be well again.
This weekend has been quite peaceful. No work, no company, no "obligations," just family time. I haven't even been nagging about getting the house clean. We've just been lying around, taking it easy. Maybe this will bode well for our recovery.

I know we both gush about Kaia on our blogs, and I think part of it is because we so desperately want you all to know how we feel, even though we realize it's impossible. We were the friends who, if someone had a baby, rolled our eyes at the thought of never ending baby talk, diapers and crying. To think that we were ever on the fence about any of this... well, we just want any of you out there who are undecided to realize that you will never, ever know the love and joy a baby can bring unless you do it. My saying that will not phase any of you probably, because I heard it from people all my life, but I still thought, "yeah well, not me. I don't think I'd like being a mom. I don't think I'd be good at it. I think I'm too selfish." and so on and so on. What a bunch of bullshit! Cory said last night he felt like thanking me for her (I told him to feel free to do so anytime...) but I feel the same way. I never would have gotten off the fence if I hadn't known that he would be a great dad to her, the kind I never had and the kind he never had... I think we're both going to grow so much from this experience, and I feel truly lucky that Kaia is in our lives but also feel like she is one lucky little girl to have so many people love her so much.
OK, I'll stop. Snif. She's just so awesome!
I totally understand. I use to not even be on the fence. I didn't think I wanted any kids. I don't know why that changed one day, but Andrew is the best thing I've ever done. Amazing.
I'm still undecided. Do you have some literature on the topic? Maybe a pamphlet?
Lots of therapy and Mark are working on changing my mind. And Kaia helped, a lot. I'm just her aunt I and feel so much love for her its amazing. I never believed at love at first sight until I saw her for the first time. Guess we'll see what time brings us.
I know what you mean. The love we feel for our girls is hard to explain. I remember falling head over heels the first moment Lauren was born. Took Dave longer. But we've had the same experience with Rachel as well. It all sounds corny but I truly believe that deciding to have kids was the best thing we ever did.
You taking new pictures to post yet? I'm ready for my next fix.
I am so happy that with every day you all grow together, the love you feel continuously gives you affirmations that this was indeed meant to be your path at this very time in your lives.
I think it's also SO wonderful that you WILL get to raise her in a stable home... that's actually rare these days, and all three of you are so lucky to have each other.
She looks SO bright and beautiful! I can't wait to finally MEET HER.
Continuously happy for you, I am. Just felt like talking like Yoda there for a minute. ;o)
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