Wow, what a couple of weeks it has been.
Friday, K & I stayed home because she was throwing up in the middle of the night. Monday was a holiday, followed by a week without her "regular" teacher, Miss Jeanne. All of that contributed to one of the worst weeks ever in the history of Kaia at daycare. She kept saying, "I don't want to go to school!" followed by a couple bouts of horrible crying and screaming. Thursday and Friday, daycare basically had to just take her because she wouldn't stop crying. On every occasion, when we pick her up, she is fine and says she had fun at school, so I'm not sure what's going on. They think it's just a stage of "regression" where she is having separation anxiety... I hope this coming week is better.
Also on Thursday, I started the day getting poured on, in 4 inch heels, Kaia screaming for me not to leave her, then going to work only to get yelled at by a nurse who wasn't happy about something. I don't know if I have mentioned it here before or not, but nurses are THE WORST people to deal with when it comes to anything health related because of course, they are nurses therefore they KNOW EVERYTHING. Ugh. I could go off on a tangent right now but I won't because I don't want to get all riled up.
Today, Kaia wore big girl panties from about 3:00 until bedtime. No accidents! She peed in the potty every single time we went in there to sit. This is a major breakthrough!! She is so excited, I told her we would go buy her some more big girl panties, and she informed me that she did NOT want more Dora panties, but Mickey Mouse ones. Her best friend at school, Sabella, has Micky Mouse panties so of course... ;) It's the cutest thing in the world to see those two play together. When I picked her up early Friday, Sabella came up to Kaia, hugged her, put her head on her shoulder and patted her back. I said, "Oh Kaia! Sabella gave you a hug. Do you want to give her a hug back?" She turned around and hugged her tight. It was so adorable.
I think I've decided on Kaia's paint color for her room. It's called Cool Pool and it's a really cool turquoise/water color. I love it! Cory & I can't agree on colors for the rest of the house, but we need to do something soon because all this neutral, beige crap is driving me nuts.
My brother and his boys came up for a surprise visit... can't remember if I said anything about that here, but anyway, it was great. They loved the house and had so much fun with Kaia. I really, really wish they lived in Oklahoma. And I really, really wish I didn't feel so old when I think abou the fact that Matthew was 2 when I lived with them in AL... he is 13 now. Ugh.
Love the Hippo hug pic!
it has been more than a year since you posted anything here. lol.
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