I know, I know. I've been horrible about updating this blog. I don't want it to die, but it sure is hard to find free time to devote to it. I keep saying I need a secretary... lol
I was in Abilene, TX all last week for work. Nonstop presenting, it was awesome but too long to be away. Kaia is still mad at me, and I turn around and leave again for Albuquerque on Monday. :( At least the NM trip is shorter but still... I'm afraid to leave. She has told me to go away, cried when I try to pick her up, hit me... I've cried daily since I got back from TX. I am not having a good time, and put on top of that stress the stress of selling and buying a house... ugh. Poor Cory.

Anyway, I'm sure she's probably just going through a phase where she prefers Cory, or really is mad that I've been gone and will get over it.
After this trip to NM, I shouldn't have to travel again until July. The job is still going really well, but it has been stressful lately, it's getting harder to stay caught up, but I'm hopeful. I took tomorrow off, even though I need to get things done before my trip. Before our closing date got all screwed up, I figured I needed to spend a day to pack, clean, etc. but now that we have another week... well, I think I might just relax a little. I have a massage at 3:00. :)

Cory & I went to see Iron Man 2 last weekend. It was pretty good. Not as good as the original, of course. Kaia & I went to see him do his first martial arts test. It was pretty cool. I took some pictures but they weren't very good. The iPhone takes pretty good quality photos, but the delay always kills me.
I'm so excited about our house. I can't wait to show you guys pictures. I will try not to wait until i get it just the way I want it, else you might never see it. :) We are really pumped about our covered patio and nice backyard. Oh a grilling we will do, oh yes.

I'm happy your house is still standing, 'cause I drove by there today and the neighborhood looks like a warzone.
Cool looking house though. I like the flowerbeds in front.
I'm sorry I missed you.
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