I'm all for having snow days and staying home from work, but who the hell thought it would be fun to close daycare?? Being snowed in with a 2-year-old is not as fun as it sounds, people, mark my words.
Today was better, we got to play in the snow and since Kaia had boots to keep her feet dry this time, she liked it a lot more than at xmas. She actually didn't want to come in. I think she liked listening to the crunch under her feet. She wasn't too thrilled with our snowman though, I think she was afraid of him. Since the Fletcher incident, when she doesn't like something, she says, real quiet, "snowman bite?" or "backpack bite?"
:( It's the saddest little voice, too.
Other than that though, she had fun. She just didn't really want to stand next to the little frozen dude for a picture.
I've eaten everything under the sun the past few days. Made chocolate chip cookies (from scratch!) and ate at least half a dozen already. Then tonight we went out to eat. Ugh. I'm hoping the damage won't be as bad as I think it will be...
The job is still going great. I love it. I am getting to do so much more writing than I had anticipated... I've received a ton of good feedback about my writing skills too, which is nice. I haven't heard that since... geez, I can't remember really.
House hunting is kind of on hold. We have only had one viewing of our house. Open house is on Sunday. Here's hoping. :\
you know, I wasn't noticing the connection when she said that, but now that you bring it up, you're absolutely right. :(
I know, 4 days at home with a toddler is almost too much. I could never be a stay at home mom. Andrew liked the snow better this time too. We didn't make a snow man, but we did make a snow wall which he promptly kicked down. Boys!
Aw, snowman bite :( How sad... very cute pictures, though!
She will forget it in time and she has already forgiven him. We can help her have positive experiences so she won't associate all dogs with the one incident. And I'm sure he won't repeat it.
I can't decide which of the snow Kaia pictures I like best. They are all so cute and I love the family time it shows. So many parents wouldn't have done this or wouldn't have done it together.
Candice, that's not the first time he's bitten her. That's just the first time he's drawn blood. He's probably bitten her 20 times.
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