So, reaching out to some of the people who read this blog who have had these kinds of extensive interviews... how do you usually feel after? Have you ever felt like you blew it but then got an offer anyway? Or the opposite? I'm just not sure what to think. Also, the staffing person asked that I follow up with him via email to "...let me know your thoughts after the conversation." What do I say? ??
I think this would be a really exciting position, but gone would be my days of internet surfing and going in late and leaving early... both good and bad. I mean, I'd like a happy medium. I'd like to leave work feeling like I actually accomplished something but still had time to surf a little. 8 hours a day of surfing though... that wouldn't be missed. I don't hate my current job (well, there are days that I do)... I think I am mostly disappointed that it is not the job I hoped it would be. Benefits are good, my co-workers are good, but man...I am bored.

I haven't interviewed extensively, but I've been very happy with my success ratio.
For me, I try to go into each interview with a lot of enthusiasm. My resume isn't anything special, so I think that being obviously excited about an opportunity has gotten me most of my jobs.
BTW: your girl is very cute, and I need to see her again before she gets too much older!
What job is it and where is it? I think phone interviews are hard anyway. It's hard to get a read on the person you are talking with. I am sure you did great. I am really sorry you are bored. I have been there before and its hard to go to work and know for 8 hours you are going to be looking for anything to do.
I'm sure you did fine. You can usually get a feel if you like someone or not even if you are on the phone and not in person. As for not surfing, I'm not allowed to use the computer for personal use or have my cell phone on me while at work and I'm still alive. It all depends on the job. If you love the job and stay busy you get used to not having the personal extras.
Thanks for the new pics!!
When I interviewed with Medi-share it was all on the phone. The director called me up one Saturday when I was at the farmer's market and just wanted to 'chat'. I totally freaked and thought it was a terrible interview but they offered me the job.
So in chorus with everyone else, I am sure you did very well (even though you hate the phone!).
As for the follow-up email...some thoughts...these are by NO means correct!
Thank them for the opportunity.
Maybe mention that you felt comfortable just talking with them and that you look forward to working with a company that has similar views/characteristics as you do.
Again, just thoughts, I haven't interviewed that much but it has pretty much all been by phone (except with you! and I was super nervous because it was so laid back;) )
I hate the phone interview. I've only ever had two of them and I couldn't get a read on the people conducting them. Much rather do it face to face.
No idea what to say in the followup email. That's a weird request. So basically I'm no help whatsoever.
Also, Boone, if I didn't know you, your BTW would have been kind of creepy.
Oh wow, you're right. Dang, I need to stop posting blog comments at 3AM. Sorry about that.
Damn you Jerm, Boone can say whatever he wants. He's family. : ) I didn't see anyone else coming to visit me when Mark was out of town and I was supper depressed.
You wouldn't believe the stupid shit I dealt with on phone interviews. And people need to really think about having a song instead of the phone ringing. Email addresses are another thing people are stupid about.
You might want to schedule all your yearly doctors appointments for you and Cory before you lose the badass insurance.
LOL, Jerm I never read it that way but after your comment, you are right, if we didn't know him, it'd sound creepy. And Candice, I'm pretty sure Jerm didn't offend Boone and none of it had anything to do with you being depressed.
Steph, I was joking but I guess you might want to delete my comment since it didn't come off that way.
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