Tuesday, August 11, 2009

18 month well baby visit

Some details about Kaia's appointment today:

She is now 30 inches long and weighs 18.4 lbs. She's in the whopping 5th percentile for height and off the chart completely for weight, but the doctor is not worried about her weight.

She has 4 new teeth coming in and asks to have them brushed at night by pointing and saying "teef." :)

She still loves Dora.

She knows about 30 words already, and just to be sure we weren't exaggerating, we made a list tonight:

  1. rainbow
  2. shoes
  3. doggie
  4. mommy
  5. daddy
  6. sock
  7. swimming pool ("swim po")
  8. please
  9. bottle
  10. juice
  11. fish
  12. no (quite frequently)
  13. apple (bapple)
  14. banana (nana)
  15. bath
  16. Tico (a Dora reference for you non-parentals)
  17. Dora
  18. Boots
  19. teeth
  20. nose
  21. more
  22. toes
  23. eyes
  24. book
  25. hi
  26. byebye
  27. drop
  28. bus
  29. ball
  30. uh-oh


dianie said...

Yay! you took her to the pool!! Wish I had been there :( How did she like it?

cyclefreaks said...

she loved it!

Candice said...

Please gets lots of video of her talking.
Another word to add to the list, Luke. : )

Skept said...

we forgot cookie and a couple others as well. Oh, and cheetos (thanks, grandma). And cheese.

Toshya said...

Aw :) I can picture her pointing to her goofy little teeth and saying "teef".

Candice said...

Cheetos, sniff sniff, I am so proud