But first... a little exploration of OKC's dining opportunities. The Iguana Cafe is just outside of bricktown, kind of hidden on NW 8th street. Very chic. It's like Mexican meets the Hideaway. Most of the waitstaff was tattooed and pierced.
Instead of beans and rice, you could choose your sides. I got chicken enchiladas with white beans and seasonal fruit. It was delicious (the fruit and beans) and the main entree was just "OK" but I would go back for the atmosphere and to check out another entree. They are a little pricey though.
"Daddy, what am I sitting on??"
There's some kind of cat asleep there in those rocks.
Mommy, it's too hot for this crap. Let's go look at that house instead...

Freaking Amazing.
The house is beautiful... is it in your price range? I love the Iguana Cafe... good margaritas, too, as I recall.
The house is amazing. Looks like some of the houses in McKinney. ; )
Kaia went to the zoo!!!
The house is at the very top of our budget... but it's still in the budget!! We are planning to do a lot of looking t different areas and neighborhoods in Edmond, The Village and close to downtown OKC. but this one will be hard to beat for the exterior and the yard. and the kitchen appliances. LOL. The bedrooms are not so great but... i could get over that. :)
Isaac wasn't too impressed with is first trip to the zoo, either. He refused to look at any of the animals! At one point, I held him up to look at some flamingos, and he started giggling like crazy. I thought, "Oh my gosh, he's totally into these flamingos!" When I looked at him, though, I realized he was actually looking (and laughing) at his own feet. Oh, well. I still had a good time.
And oh-my-word, that house is amazing. I want one like that.
Love the house!
We've bought a new house- over off of Cherry Street. Not so hot on curb appeal but a nice little 1920s bungalow.
Bedrooms are no biggie but a great kitchen- to die for!
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