My sister and I watch What Not to Wear religiously. It has really changed the way we shop for clothes. For the better. I buy fewer t-shirts now and am trying to buy clothes for the size I am instead of wearing clothes that are too big waiting for me to be a size 6 again before I shop. I don't think I'll be a size 6 or 8 again. I'm working at losing weight and I hope I do but I don't think my waist is ever coming back.
Anyway, a combination of the show and my cubemate - who always wears the cutest heels - has got me on a shoe-buying binge. And not my typical comfy shoes, but dead sexy shoes. You guys know me... even when I was a size 6, I didn't dress "sexy" and I sure as hell didn't wear high-heels. I've always been much more practical than that. But now, I'm just going to do it...(uh, the shoe part, not the dressing sexy part). I have to dress up while I'm at work, and I go all out on days I know that I will be going "out" to a meeting. Fridays, if we don't have any meetings, it's jeans day.
It's been fun. The above shoes I bought in orange. OSU day. :D
HOLY SHIT! I can't walk in heels. I wish I could because I would get some just like the picture. I am proud of you. Maybe after you guys get settled you can come shopping in Dallas. I have bought more shoes in the last 3 years then ever. All fat girls have are shoes and purses.
Um, yeah, those are crazy high heels. I wear heels now and then, but if they're higher than two inches, I can't walk in them very well. I could before I was pregnant, but I haven't been able to since. I don't think my center of gravity has quite recovered.
Ha, I love it! Good for you.
Ohhhh, and in orange. Love it.
I love WNTW too. Lauren and I watch it together often. I think it helps women of all ages (even 9 year olds:)) see that there is nothing wrong with the body they have and that everyone can look better.
That said, not too many cute heels are in the size 10.5 to 11 range- yep, got some big feet here.
I don't really get to watch What Not To Wear when it airs so I have to DVR it. I have been watching that show since it was Stacey & Wayne.
I would love to see pictures of you in your kick ass heels. Please!!!
Kiss Kaia for me. Mom was disappointed dad didn't give her a Kaia update after being there yesterday. We all live for that girl. Totally in love.
That's crazy. I couldn't begin to "train" to wear shoes like that.
Okay, I admit it. I'm jealous. I want to wear shoes like that but am scared.
I also bought these little cushions called steppies (I think) that you put in the shoe to relieve some of the pressure to the ball of your foot. We'll see how it goes the first time I wear them... :) I'll keep you posted!
You are crazy, girl! (They ARE classic, though...)
I think I have gone a little nuts... :)
Yeah, those pad things really don't help much at all :) My feet would never fogive me for shoes like these!!!
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